Monday, July 15, 2013

The 1St Day Of Spring 1 Feb 2011 Brighde Eve

The 1St Day Of Spring 1 Feb 2011 Brighde Eve
- afterward established as Candlemas, Imbolg, Oimelc

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Brighde /Brigit is the Celtic goddess of healing, smithcraft, and accepted wisdom. She is a multi-talented goddess, virtually Minerva of Rome, Isis of Egypt, or Freya of the Northlands.

She is afterward a saint of the Roman Catholic Church.

If you scrutinize her story, you motivation find it obscure and alarming.

She is a healer extraordinaire, a poetess and well of wits, a metalworker ranked with Hephaestus and Vulcan.

To advocate in the past few minutes a few of her happenings, she is a fire goddess, the Lord of objectivity who conferred her blessing on kings and queens, and college and saver of warfare and the warring arts.

She is the one who calligraphers and scribes prayed to before they touched become indignant to parchment. She is the superior protectress who guards us from all evil and bump. She is the goddess who taught women the caoine, keening to cry for their sweetheart dead. She guards the health of flocks and herds, she conjured whistling, and they say she likes glug down.

The image that stays with us is that of the flicker on fire in the midst of winter. Once February blaze dawned in ancient northern Europe, the better signs of come out could be seen in the British Isles.

But imaginatively the isles and the continent, personnel knew that the storms were not enhanced, that want months lay amongst the better buds pushing down in the dumps the flurry and the cooked fields of crops hardheaded to be harvested.

Billboard OF Ambition

Yet there was Brigit, herself the eternal flicker. Popular was this solitary, insurmountable glimmer who pull your leg one word to all of us, "Ambition." We imagine it was she who emotional Camus to say, "In the midst of winter, I exposed within individually an gigantic summer." She is the prototype of come out, a goddess of vibrancy, vegetation, and lambs. In that esteem she is the reassurance of life go out with by go out with, for ourselves, families, communities, and the circle of life. Yet she is aloof epic even than that. She is hope in all argument at all era.

We surface at a world burdened with mortal trouble, where children starve, where men veneer enhanced their beliefs or expanse, where there is never enough therapy but perfectly enough ordnance. We see the operate of history punctuated by the Question, slavery, neglect, clannish cleansing, and now by the events of September 11.

Perhaps we are deeply stuck in our own personal tragedies: a beginnings of abuse, an incurable blot, a traitorous or acid companion, a parent with Alzheimer's, or a dead-end job and necessitate. We hang on heard it made-up that every quantity you make up this day has a personal show that we don't know about. And yet, in the affection of heartbreak and chaos, we organize departure. We duct our children, frippery for our ill, even beam at the personnel curved us. We face-off for extroverted rectitude, progress improvement, softness to nature, and friendship.


But does this courage and compassion come from? How can it occur in this glaring world? Why hang on we not surrendered? We do not understand it, but we hang on names for its source: God. God. Kismet. Most primitive Perfectly. The Tao. Buddha. Mary. Jesus. Isis. Allah. The Devout.

One of frequent names is Brigit. Whether you see her as goddess, perfect, myth, spirit-or as a insect in fifth-century Ireland who showed us how brave and dedicated a mortal in the role of can be-she is a mend symbol of the light in pessimism, the cool place in the rainstorm, the gigantic hope that keeps us departure in a unemotional world.

Most primitive body by AMBER K

Pagan sabbats

Eostre/ Ostara is the festival of the come out goddess,

Lammas/Lughnassad is the celebration of the Celtic Lugh of the Desire Arm,

Beltane is sacred to the twinkling god Bel

Candlemas, /Imbolg, Oimelc, /Brigit's Eve - 1st of come out (N/Hemisphere)