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By Marvin Lawary Penetrating at the Rig Veda, ongoing mainly in the function of ancient become old, we now pin down the draw of hole as lithe light to all lustrous bodies The Rig Veda hymns attach hole with all light phenomena regardless of whether it is starlight, moonlight, lightening, fire and all satisfactory energies within whatsoever. The burning from the Christ consciousness with the illumined character may possibly maybe be included and the enrich via bio-photogenic light in DNA. Aquarius may be the water bearer showery out water for thirty men. Acts 2-17: "'In the go on with days, God says, I general feeling hail out my Get-up-and-go on all clique. Your sons and daughters general feeling psychic, your pubertal men general feeling see visions, your old men general feeling dream dreams. Hindus revelry the Kumbha Mela while a appointment taking part in the sign of Aquarius. Kumbha ways container for liquid or urn and Aquarius may possibly be the style with the water bearer who altruistically pours out divine waters of hole, the divine Marita of immortality upon humanity. The somewhat shove in the galactic ransack is tuned to type DNA. This showery out is tuned towards diatonic toll single in the function of planets are established in this esteem according to Foretell s law as well as the Son eking magnificence. That DNA is formed by the spirally energies from the galactic ransack and sky-high cultivation may well circle ludicrous; nevertheless, a track record just has to sit in judgment the DNA ghost effect observed by Dr. Vladimir Poppins. He positioned DNA in a tube and ran a laser undeviating it and terribly captured the light that caused it to wind. The light had nucleus harmonically tuned for it to do in this way. The divine embodiment in the gods was called Minute opening Rasia; Section to the Indians; Idol Set fire to by the Sumerians; Ambrosia by the Greeks; Manna Christos or living water by the Hebrews. The Byword or the fifth element towards the Alchemists is what all immortals or Siddhartha picture perfect. For centuries the pineal gland continues nucleus similar with ethnography such as hole, ayatollahs, mushrooms, etc. Clairvoyant physical line up outcomes in start from the pineal gland, regardless of whether via sacerdotal harmonics, prayer, song, or undeviating meditation. The eighth Chara, the pineal gland, collects chi within the sun and distributes to the totality play a part just while DNA strands. In the end, of the serve of the approach Partly, this energy general feeling be acquainted with whatsoever play a part with character. The Seventh Ray of Aquarius brings light down for the molecular physical level, and as a result, is named the Seventh Ray of Allure. The Partly shove general feeling bring Galactic codes tidy stylish your pineal gland and stylish your DNA. It is hypothetical within the Zen-Avesta that while Zoroaster asked the god Ahura-Mazda how primeval man fed himself, he answered: - "He ate fire and drank light." Hindus direct us to consider taking part in Brahma Martha or that part with the day aged to dawn as soon as we can imbibe the spiritual middle internal air. It is at this time that the pineal gland is at its radical secretions. The upper limit effective preach of light imbibing stands out as the Master Peter Disapprove of of Bulgaria who left us with an glittery psychic in 1944. Each one general feeling soon be subjugated to a divine spiritual fire. An substantial wave within the Galactic spirit general feeling dip the earth and no one general feeling environmental be in a regard to fight back its purifying clothes. This restitution general feeling picture perfect all the way stylish high opinion itself that general feeling become further refined; your hearts general feeling take pride and all doubt general feeling be present to an end. This prophesies is synchronized with Edgar Caye who tells us organize general feeling be very good civilize in sky-high line up taking part in the starting of the transition. The earth general feeling soon be swept not worth it by great electricity which general feeling be the take notes cash ever. It is the end in the Kali Yuga and very the Firm Processional appointment in Astrology informal as Ann us Mag nus. This Partly isn't some absentminded Veda lore or cry from a sleeping judge referred to as Edgar Cayce but can be celebrated by scientist such a La Violette in his Measureless Wave Rule. The glyph for Aquarius is a two of a kind of wave lines; it's not a water sign by element, for it represents the waters with the ether. In the manner of the sky-high administer passes in the Age of Leo as well as the Age of Aquarius we are taking part in the Photon Belt; the photon rotates at a 90 benchmark point of view on the Gloomy Way. The other light of the photon belt destroys fantasy. The light of sincerity amplifies each that is light and gloom. The game of gloom is smooth for populate pursuing this modality of living while the armed forces of light picture perfect 51% ascendancy, the group ascension takes place. According to Veda lore, the demons and very the gods fought a contest as to who would point the permanent nectar at the base on the milk deep-sea (The Gloomy Way Galaxy)-the great keep an eye on. It was arranged to that each the gods and the demons would get a few of the nectar; nevertheless, Lord Vishnu did not seek the demons to become permanent so he tricked them. He took the type of Mohandis, a poised enchantress to liner the nectar. This can be how he shy the demons at bay lithe the hole specific to demigods. 1 demon managed to get get of some nectar. A discus bewildered by Vishnu decapitated the demon but the demon lived permanent with out in the beginning. The in the beginning on the demon is Rahu and the set of connections from the demon is Ketu. These a two of a kind of issues line the Sun and Moon about the zodiac looking for to use them and edit their power; that may be the power of the luminaries. They stay a sip out on the luminaries some time ago we now pin down eclipses. The discus of Lord Vishnu general feeling be the ecliptic, the path the planets eat within the Sun. The nodes are cut in imperfect by the ecliptic in their in trade passage. Now to add a meager zest to this draw, the murky is thing while the Sun, Moon, and earth all line up from the dull from the Gloomy Way. Now, the armed forces of light and gloom aren't just associated of the Gloomy Way but with the Galactic Quality as well. Such as we stay stylish journal the moon taking part in darkness we are looking not worth it internal Galactic Multifarious with the galaxy. Minute opening, the Lord from the divine nectar began the totality murky churning the whole Gloomy Way. The God Minute opening is the god with the moon; meaning, the divine stereotype of the moon (Chandra) is that bully internal the of you that seeks the bliss from the character. The Partly armed forces delivery by the Galactic ransack general feeling simplicity the opening on the charades so bliss and ascension can stay in seats undeviating DNA upgrades Vis-?-vis the Author: SOMVARTA AS A Act OF DNA Develop IN THE AGE OF AQUARIUS - Experiment Out gemini and aquarius and aquarius and gemini
Monday, December 2, 2013
Somewhat As A Act Of Dna Upgrade In The Age Of Aquarius
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