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Softness be on you....Few days back, Huzur (MAY ALLAH BE HIS SECONDARY) acknowledged a letter from America. It was referred in the letter that all the rage the Jalsam, Huzur (A.T.) was mentioning accounts in his dialogue to Jalsa Salana How domestic are fusion Jama'at Ahmadiyya; tell Transfer of News item (TABLIGH) and tell continue guidance which comes from Allah the Major. And it is picture attentions of domestic towards Islam-Ahmadiyyiat. Private are attainment stronger in trust, and the Truism of Islam-Ahmadiyya is lasting to prick in their hearts.AMERICAThis poet from America wrote: Just the once trial all what Huzur (A.T.) said, a hankering was developed in writer's instant that May someone recount Islam-Ahmadiyya in this part of the world tell him, and May he see Programming be devoted to this.He move ahead writes: Certified moments following, my cell phone clang rang, a peer of the realm was on the other sphere. She said she found my headset fit into from the website, she was career as she was awake in Islam, and in this regard, she required to worry congress with me. She went for the congress formerly making a long journey. She explained her get used to, and how her thought in Islam began, and how she got untouchable information tell internet. But due to that, her husband and in-laws who are staunch Christians, turned on top of her. She faced it; separation from husband took place; according to appointment steadfastness she was to supply all children to husband.She gave pre-eminence to Truth-Seeking and missing all these thing. She said: I did astute study at the site of Jama'at Ahmadiyya (ALISLAM.ORG) and I view MTA TV( consistently.I got information from other Muslim sects but I was not bursting. Whenever I assiduous on to Islam, my care remained towards reading literature of Jama'at Ahmadiyya.The Ahmadiyya armed forces nature well-informed her that they worry had Jalsa few days ago and it was broadcasted tell MTA TV, she said, by all means I heard the Jalsa, and now I be inclined to to recount the true Islam.'The armed forces move ahead writes, 'My childish person, a apprentice, who was present gift and poetry with the peer of the realm, said that later it was living told in Jalsa that How the new-comers gained fit into in the truth of Islam-Ahmadiyya, and narratives were living mentioned that How Allah the Major guides, she hence nurture gift were some stories and some exaggeration was living through. But now formerly trial the peer of the realm, my trust is recharged too. It is not exaggeration but Allah the Major is off-ramp the hearts of the world with His guidance.HUZUR (A.T.) REMARKED:By this means some experienced domestic or new domestic sometimes creative idea, Perhaps some dominance is confirmed with exaggeration. But it could do with be remembered that the narratives mentioned now are not fables but they are realities. These are some samples of coil living blown by Allah the Major which I present before you. Hang around such incidences appeal place and I catalog few of them. The narratives nominated for Jalsa dialogue, not all can be mentioned in Jalsa. That is why, control appointment I had said that I had work, I would experience these all the rage the appointment.. Certified were confirmed and others not..Subsequently assorted narratives of this appointment were accumulatedAnyway, I give an inkling of these narratives so that:= our trust is strengthened, and= we perjure yourself making self-checks about how extreme the line of Islam-Ahmadiyya are attainment deeper in us,= how we could do with pay care to our worships,= how we could do with exploration guidance from God the Major formerly settlement Islam-Ahmadiyyat.In this regard, I shall give an inkling of some narratives of a short time ago linked ones How Allah the Major guides them.We could do with not grasp them as interesting anecdotes But it is such a reality:= which take home beautify in trust, and it essential to be; = it could do with make us to measure our conditions;= it could do with make us to good sentiments of credit to Allah the Major for His giving tricks with Jama'at;= it could do with make us to worry initiative of our assurance and twitch care to deposit it. At the moment it is our work and assurance to conveying the News item of Truism to the world and to guide them. To do so, we yearning to oppose and besides we yearning to manner our practical get through according to the manage told by Allah the Exalted; so that our practical models carry on to move ahead sustain new-comersI shall present examples of the Chains of Allah the Major and How He guides:TUNISA peer of the realm, Maneeha sahiba writes: I am very extreme attentive of reading. I worry read Quran Karim and various other books. But I might not understand assorted things; e.g. the verse of Surah Al-Nisa ".WA MAA QATALUHO WA MAA SALABUHO WA LAKIN SHUBBEHA LAHUM." [ch4:v158]Regularly other verses for death of Messiah were always crux of my care that Has Messiah (ON WHOM BE FRIENDSHIP) died or Bring up stirring in Heavens?I read properties of Djjal in '"Riadh us Sualeheen"', and nurture came to me that How Allah the Major can send such a nature in Khair e Ummat?I would creative idea Whatsoever Esa (ON WHOM BE FRIENDSHIP) is take effect serving is Make public. I would get perplexed with these result and prayed to Allah the Major for guidance.Quickly, one day, all the rage variable TV channels, MTA (MTA.TV) was found, which fresh from all other clerical channels.On it, a rationale about the death of Messiah was going on with a Christian High priest. Unable to get along to other channels, the talk of armed forces and participants was very elegant. Within that I bookish that Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (ON WHOM BE FRIENDSHIP) has been appeared..Subsequently I at watched MTA TV consistently, and all topics were a little at a time wordless. I prayed to Allah the Major that May death not come to me until I become Ahmadi. At the end of the day, by take effect Bai'at, I became Ahmadi. Upon me, it is towering support of Allah the Major.YEMENNumdan sahib writes the celebration of his Bai'at: I worry had an occasion to inhabit in Chinese connection in Collectibles and I found them very good domestic. I would carry out some Arabs took unfair delightful from their fine think, but scolded them too. I would creative idea that How is it realizable that these domestic mood go to Hell anyhow all of their good acceptable and good think, and we mood be approved Fantasy cool while we are assumed Muslims..Just the once that, I started to do investigate, and began to study Islamic books... This investigate continued; saw many Islamic books and TV channels.Within it, one day, brusquely I found occasion to view MTA. The arguments mentioned in it were so strong that my conditional trembled due to their structure and awe. I felt as if I was hit by thrilling eddy.Afterwards, I consistently saw MTA, I would display celebration it inadvertently but I did not know why I do cry? This knowledge was main that God the Major has Himself guided me to this point.To know about the truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah, I began to pray a lot to Allah the Major.Altogether time I acknowledged the unchangeable as quivering of conditional and as friendship of mind; it would lay to rest me that Promised Messiah (ON WHOM BE FRIENDSHIP) is dedicated. Just the once that, I deliberate the books of Hazrat Promised Messiah (ON WHOM BE FRIENDSHIP); they had answers of most of my questions. Subsequently, I did Bai'at and became part of the Jama'at.HOLLANDTom Overberg writes How he accepted: I am 22 kick of age, a Academy apprentice. I did Bai'at in the ill-timed 2014 in '"Masjid Baitul Mahmud"' of AmsterdamI worry always had thought in religion. At a jump age, I completely said in the Personal of God but I did not worry a special care towards religion.Day by day, my thought increased that evil has extreme connect with in the world."[Huzur (A.T.) reminded: He is a new man, our new men could do with creative idea too; some are Ahmadi by pure but do not creative idea about this bits and pieces]".Tom said: I felt hop and got hard at it in rummage to find the objective of life. I read a lot, and discussed with friends about it.Within this investigate my instant started to lean towards Islam..About this, I continued to worry oration with my 2 Ahmadiyya friends. Between them, I visited Nunspeet Ahmadiyya crux too and I observed Jama'at's environmentWith this, it became settle to me that The Expected Islam is Ahmadiyyat, and it besides became exonerate to me that Hazrat Messiah (ON WHOM BE FRIENDSHIP) has, in fact, come in this world. All Muslims are looking for unity and Ahmadiyyat is the right Work, which has real and strong unity; in which juiciness of true trust exits. I wrote a prayer-request letter in the title of Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah "(MAY ALLAH BE HIS SECONDARY)".Just the once script the letter, Allah the Major sent fashion, and the truth of Islam became handsomely settle to me, and I did Bai'at in Masjid Mahmud.I am learning to let somebody have temporarily Salaat, difficult to inhabit a life of perfection.CONTINUES
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Alive God Recent Guidancetestimonies From World Over House Of Peace
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