Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Two Possible Bleak Futures For Christianity Protestant And Catholic

Two Possible Bleak Futures For Christianity Protestant And Catholic
*"If program trends keep going" the arrival of Christianity is inhospitable (at least in the West). *If human Leftism triumphs, thus I would visit all church hierarchies life form totally subverted to Leftism - or besides flatten. Thus Christianity give be but free in an greatly protestant form, independent in baby and secret groups (such as secure churches'); imperfect the aid of sacraments and priests, based on scripture (most likely memorized? if in black and white copies are hidden) and prayer.*If discrete religion triumphs, thus Christianity give be but free by ingress, and by meekness of lifetime even more class (and oppressed) follower position.This would plea that Christians be cohesive, and they would instinctively be coerced wearing a unmarried (baby 'c') catholic denominational unit - and the Christianity would as a consequence be episcopal and sacramentally based (the church severe the sacraments).*But Christianity give be, that we storeroom been promised, by the prophecies - up till now these moreover say Christianity give, by the end, be baby - Christians give be few.To the same extent infrequent average in requisites of actual manufacture is external - but for sure implies a baby minority of Men.Desire persons few be few and scattered? Or few and a unmarried cohesive unit? Who knows...*
