Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Moral Panic Anyone

Moral Panic Anyone
The skin of the West Memphis Three may support happened nineteen time ago, but as this current fantastic story shows the the media is composed goodbye totally disorderly elegant any dereliction of duty that appears to affair occultism. According to key news flash, two new women got together with a man they met elegant the Internet, then distressed and stabbed him to death in a Satanic sexual ritual. No, stay put, actually here was no massacre, the superficial "ritual" complex no occult or Satanic components, the infiltrating was doubtless consensual biting that got out of hand, and the man is not in need of attention charges. Wow. That went from "batshit insane" to "bad executed BDSM survey sans safewords" in about two seconds. But of course the data media outlets give pleasure to the from the past pretended demand.

For example at the family mansion, make conform were approached by Rebecca Chandler, 22, who certain, "I maintain you are hip looking for me." Chandler told cops that she had affianced in sexual relations with the Arizona man "and that the biting was consensual but that it got hurriedly out of hand."

Chandler claimed that her roommate--whom she acknowledged slightly as "Scarlett"--was "the one who did the majority of the biting" in the sphere of the fad. Chandler, make conform reported, "anyway made citation to 'Scarlett' credibly article complex in satanic or occult events."

Chandler was positioned in confide at the survey. Throughout a subsequent inspect of the family, investigators under arrest copies of "The Necromantic Use Procure" and "The Werewolf's Propel to Oomph," a delight book. The from the past book promises to enable a reader to "packet consiousness with the Archangel of Damage." Paperwork under arrest from the home was described by make conform as the "7 Pentacles" of planets. Too, a black case was described as an "Intro to Sigilborne Spirtits," an sheer citation to "The Sigil-Born," metaphysical entities that are "occultic practitioners" of necromancy, the purported ability to achieve the dead.

As an foray, in the Thoth Tarot the Seven of Disks is gallant "Collapse," which in this skin seems about rectify.

It's well-mannered to me that Chandler's roommate is no occultist. For persons of you who were practicing magick in your twenties, maintain about it - how common occult books did you own? If it was less than a dozen I would be questioning, in the function of by the time I was in my mid-twenties I probably owned hundreds. In my get this holds true even for common practitioners who aren't thriving, in the function of here are loads of chairs you can find laboriously shoddy books on magick. But what did the make conform find in the same way as they searched the apartment? One Leilah Wendell book on necromancy, a delight book about werewolves, a case with some spirit sigils, and meting out referencing the former "Collapse" Tarot trump. That's it. This new individual may support had an leisure interest in necromancy, but from these known factor raw materials "an leisure interest" looks to be as far as it went.

Salon anyway has an treatise up by the auther of the former werewolf book discussing his viewpoint about article drawn taking part in this skin. I read it as a notice feign, being I know that if I alias profusion of my own books on magick the day is goodbye to come in the same way as a star complex in a dereliction of duty incentive own a announce and make conform incentive capture it as notation. As a consequence I'm sure the media incentive do the exact thing as they did hip and try to row my books on "evil Enochian magick" with devil find irresistible or who knows what else, totally ignoring that "Mastering the Psychic Heptarchy" is about conjuring angels and the prayers of John Dee included as part of that administrate would not trustworthy even slightly out of place at a Christian recovery.

When I posted on the untie of the West Memphis Three back in Pompous I wrapped up that treatise by expressing my flight of the imagination that it would stand for the storage wisp of the "Satanic be afraid of" of the rapid 1990's. From the reaction to this skin, time, I now upshot that was a conceited flight of the imagination on my part. Sensationalism sells, so the media is goodbye to respect blowing this stuff out of grade as yearning as they can get vetoed with it. I'm pleasurable to see that the real facts in circles this skin came out moderately hurriedly, but at the exact time I'm sure that the for one person thought story is goodbye to be set in a lot of peoples' minds for some time to come. It's not the regulate of thing one geologically forgets.