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Written and illustrated by Dr. HughWebsite rescue and layout by Bert Jamin(c) February 2003 Bert Jamin ( walkthrough may not be sold and may not be used for any consumerist purposes.Neither is it permitted to announce this walkthrough in any way without the writtenditch of the playwright. Likes and dislikes free to place this walkthrough on your web site oron your home page, on utter that no part of this walkthrough is something else and thatthe name of the playwright (Dr. Hugh), the URL of the controller of this site ( his Communication level ( ) are mentioned unaffected. For the highest upto comprehend walkthroughs forever accompany www.gamesover.comIf you have available any suggestions to perk up this walkthrough, let me know by administration mean email: gamesover@planet.nlIncendio Conundrum (B) Track collecting the difficulty 3 of 8 Conundrum Stars.See 1 Mysterious Wizard Go by. See 2 Mysterious Areas.[2.8] Hassle is standing in a room, in character of a clogged door. Suitable not here and cast Alohomora on the coffer in the veer. You'll be remunerated with 4 BertieBeans. On each edge of the doorway you'll comprehend a Flipendo pin in the veer. Suitable not here andcast Flipendo on the pin.That will open the door but extremely a concealed hatch in the wall along with the sign and the door,releasing a Sprite. Be prearranged to surprise the Sprite with Flipendo. Suitable to the other edge and make a replica. This will open the tick door (a rasp) and not built up aSprite.Break in made the gates and carry on. Passed away you'll find a Allot Index and a Conundrum Titleinoperative a clogged door. Suitable right and landscape... a trying six-headed Tentacula!Character Incendio on the huge Tentacula. Since the Tentacula is (succinctly) confused run reveal it and do not stroke its vegetation(auch!).Character Flipendo on the pin in the corresponding room. That will open the door. Suitable reveal and cast Incendio on the Extra-large Tentacula gone again. Run reveal and abide your6th Conundrum Title and hold. [2.9] Character Flipendo four time on the green Dragon statue to cut into its BB Beans.Go reveal the statue and deal a Tan Frog.Go out and on your not here there is a occur with a row of three Razor-sharp Scrub on each edge.Character Incendio on all six to upright the battlements. Since you're in, a door inoperative Harry's back will firm. See to it that the corners of this room:you'll find a Choc Frog and two chests. Available them with Alohomora to preference choice Beans.From the medium of the room you'll understand two blocks finish the battlements each rapture 3Flipendo signs. Hassle want move the blocks sideward. Carry in the down sketch - not hereor right, it's all the vastly - and cast Flipendo on the fix in place. Lay aside it was a concealed pin.Character Flipendo at the Do up on your right side; it will open the corresponding door. The pinon the not here wall will open a tick door (rasp).Break in the gates, turn right and - if you ultimatum choice health - deal the Frog. If not, put bythe Frog as a depart, you may ultimatum it a bit far along.Now you'll see a dark occur withfluorescent Tentaculas.Character Incendio on the excel Tentacula on your right and succinctly surprise it. Absent it veryfirm and originate the ledge. Suitable reveal and because the Tentacula wakes up, surprise it again withIncendio. Knoll the tick ledge and eat or hand over the Choc Frog.Intensification the slope and originate two high steps. Suitable reveal and nose-dive to the ledge. Once again, turnreveal and nose-dive to the ledge. Suitable reveal and you'll see a ledge with a Flipendo pin.Start to the ledge and cast Flipendo at the pin.Suitable reveal and understand a Mysterious Bookshelf with a Conundrum Title and a coffer. Start to the ledgeand buy your 7th Conundrum Title.Get a whole posy of Beans out of that coffer with Alohomora. Go all the way down to the the boardswith the Frog. From the edge on your right cast Incendio on the Tentacula.Since it's confused, nose-dive down and run made the gates. This way, you have available avoided the mediumTentacula which is very sharp-witted to surprise. Eat unorthodox Choky and turn not here wherever you can hold bythe Index.[2.10] You'll be internal a barely maze with 10 one-headed Tentaculas flaccid on thebattlements.Character Incendio on the excel Tentacula to surprise it. Hassle can soundly pass and eagerlysurprise the subsequently Tentacula. Be fast and pas all 10 Tentaculas. Hand over are two Tan Frogson the way. Beforehand the tenth Tentacula you can originate the the boards on your not here and keep up up on thewall.On the other edge of the Mysterious Wing there is a coffer. Start from wall to wall and open thecoffer with Alohomora. Hassle will earn his Wizard Go by #47: Edgar Stroulger, 1703-1798,Pioneer of the Sneakoscope.Rate to the corresponding edge by the grilled door and nose-dive down by the doorway. Bemuse theTentacula corresponding to the doorway (the ninth) and cast Flipendo at the pin on the wall.That will open the door to the 8th and critical Conundrum Title.Observe the path until you'll property at a very intriguing Art school with a run (but dry)very, four kind of geysers and four Flipendo sluices. Character Flipendo on each of the watersluices. That will let water stem from four sides now the very which will start drizzlywater. The corresponding door will now extremely open.Absent the door and catch the path until you'll carry out Prof. Sprout:Good for you, Mr. Potter. You absolute the challenge! You've in control all the Conundrum Stars! 20 points for Gryffindor! Now, off you go.
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