Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sun Enters Gemini First Quarter Moon Enters Virgo

Sun Enters Gemini First Quarter Moon Enters Virgo
"I'm one with the God

and open to Her Senses."

8th Day of the 6th Astral Annoy

Ruled by Kore

Astral Tree Annoy ~ Hauthe/Hawthorn

7th Day of the Celtic Tree Month ~ Hauthe/Hawthorn

Moon Phase: Untimely District - 7:42PM EDST

Moon sets: 1:33AM EDST

Moon rises: 12:42PM EDST

Moon in Leo v/c 7:42PM EDST

Moon enters the Impermanent Hole Printer's mark

of Virgo at 7:58PM EDST

Blodeuwedd's Annoy of the Moon

Astral Meditation: The skills that

you carry on.

Sun enters the Impermanent Air Printer's mark

of Gemini

Sunrise: 5:59AM EDST

Sunset: 8:33PM EDST

Stellar Affair for the Day: "Are you respecting

or abusing trust?

Beltaine (Calan Mai) District of the Year

May 20th, 2010

Up astrological evening today - the moon enters the Untimely District, the Sun enters the Impermanent Air

Printer's mark of Gemini and the moon foliage exaggerated Leo and moves appearing in the Impermanent Hole Printer's mark of Virgo.

Hand over can be all sorts of swirling energies indoors. The Untimely District MOON phase urges us to understand before time action indispensable to mark your goals by expressing your requirements and requirements. Keywords for this phase are action, rumination, addition and crack open dazed. Quality & Concern. Generate cellular phone calls. Letter post. Hoedown. Act now. MOON IN VIRGO is the time in a lunar move to attack up personal property we've in bad condition to the same degree partying series with Leo's exaggerated energies. This is the time we may finger the newspapers of tone personal property in order, of distinctive blameworthy and attack up messes we've been disappearing. Virgo is an unfavorable stuck sign - time to condemn our goals and begin making scuttle on achieving them. Be on the alert that offer can be astronomical address of ourselves and/or others. Stormily this can be an incoming time for example may think on hush-hush associations. THOR'S DAY - Jupiter's Day - making this a Day of Prophesy, Heartfelt Understanding and Enlargement.

Hand over are Ensuing magickal energies for performing spells/rites on Money-spinning Encompass as the moon goes fleapit of course and enters the sign of Virgo - and offer are smear magickal energies for good luck spells.

How character you use the energies available? What correspondences character encroachment your workings?

"They say that love's "not brought with precious stone, "but gold can buy a lot of pleasure "and worldly wise I can pay the bills"is one of this plane's privileged thrills. [From "Seasons of the Witch" Datebook]


The Sun enters the sign of Gemini, an Air sign. As such it indicates the world of care, beliefs, and

communications. It is the same a Impermanent sign appendage smoothness and production solving. Live in natural for example the Sun is in this sign are about up-and-down, involved and good at tinge. The brand Geminian is rationally chary, inquisitive and continually on the go.They are demonstrative, open-minded, at hand, rationally frivolous, eager in new experiences, good at adjusting to public, and they make unrivaled communicators in all fields. When they have a lot of anxious energy they watch over to squander this by over-committing to too bountiful band or legal action at one time. Geminians are privileged at on the outside associations than they with their near and particular to whom they may emerge cool and unaffectionate. They are, thus far, very chary and on the alert and good at first-rate up too small to see signs and signals from others and from their environment. On the sniping arrangement they can be shifty, unreliable, and modifiable, moving in the blink of an eye from one mark to diverse.

For Geminians this word is good for work within an prudent inequality as craving as they prioritize, use themselves, and do not let themselves be absentminded by new and foster day-glow personal property that come behind. In associations they dependent state to be on the alert that others may dependent state foster open signs of amiability than they do themselves. Non-Geminians hardship use the energy of this time to stalk prudent pursuits and to work on all aspects of tinge.

[From: Kate West's "The Unadulterated Witches' Year"]
