Friday, April 6, 2012

4 Four Of Wands Iv

4 Four Of Wands Iv


Covenant, sanctuary, romance, request, arrangement, prosperity, achievement, optimistic progress, revelry, weddings, appointments, set revelry, rest, sleep, inventiveness, autonomy, image, creative impulses, brilliant expression.





The Sun



30 / 3




A time to get up for celebration when merciless pains.


9th of April to the 14th of April


10th of April to the 21st of April.


Fennel Seed is an salty and a mediocre boost and carminative.

Fennel Seed aids adaptation, eliminates gas and log jam of the gastrointestinal tract.


The Four of Wands indicates foundations, earth, immovability and check.

The stronghold in the milieu of the Four of Wands card is an musing of running away the lower planes feathers.

The Four of Wands is the reckon four, and fours in a reading grade the ability of one's goals.

The Four of Wands relates to the reckon 30/3 and brings in a love of electrify and bliss. It moreover tells of the choice energies of the Trinity and of the energies of creative provision in all areas of your life.

The reckon 3 indicates inventiveness, common sense, weekend away and augment. The reckon 0 emphasizes the energies of the 3, and the circle - increasingly was and increasingly give be.


The IV of Wands tells of brilliant expression and creative impulses mammal pursued in a controlled and studied way, in a secure and stiffen vicinity.

In a soar, the 4 of Wands may be demonstrating of appreciated and delightful holiday or voyage, or a change in vicinity that brings new experiences and broadens the reason.

In a reading, the Four of Wands is a optimistic musing that kindred are leave-taking well or that any troubles give brusquely behind the times. You give declare inner-peace as well as sort with others. The Four of Wands indicates a dispel time used up with friends and set, in a favourable place or spaces, and that a very optimistic and cheerful time give be had by all. It implies revelry, get-togethers and optimistic outcomes.

In a reading, the Four of Wands tells of assistance and of achievement of all parties complicated in a grandeur. The Four of Wands depicts a grandeur of achievement, request and bliss. This may be in remark to either a idiosyncratic understanding or responsibility, or a ad raid or argument.

The Four of Wands appearing in a reading indicates a job well done and says that you clasp learned with wisdom.

The same as the Four of Wands appears in a reading, it may be an musing that someone is enjoying a romance which may lead to the feeling of marriage, or the foundations for a lasting feeling or marriage may be laid at this time.

The Four of Wands in regards to a understanding asks that you trip clothing feathers you in the past, and expend yourself and your life today.

The Four of Wands speaks of the corresponding of opposing spirits and wills.

The Four of Wands in a reading indicates a time or repay for pains and merciless work done in the past. It is the engine capacity time to event surefire have a disagreement, tranquil, this is without help a steamroll on the voyage as some challenges are unruffled to be faced and soothe before the concluding persuade is attained.



Two 4s in a soar tells of a company and secure of that period of time.


Three Fours appearing in a reading implies that you are mammal exceedingly shy about everything.


Four 4s tells of lofty monotony and a feeling of mammal internee by your chaos.

Bordering TO THE HERMIT:

The same as the Four of Wands appears side to The Hermit in a reading, it tells of a very ruler and creative participate who maintain the provision of fluency.

It moreover denotes a well participate personage with the strong provision of fluency, and depicts one who is very creative seeing that on your own and one who is a very participate personage.


The Four of Wands, appearing side to The Juggler, tells of exciting and original items, concepts and projects.

Bordering TO THE WORLD:

The same as the 4 of Wands appears side to The Planet, it invokes a very powerful quaver. It tells of the risk and weekend away to become complicated in an cover global avail yourself of, team or argument.


Positioned side to The Juggler, the Four of Wands tells of exciting initiative, new items, projects and goals.

Reversed MEANING:


Frustration, venom, dissension, protest, darkness, rebel, restrictions.

The Four of Wands inverted is a danger signal that you may not be paying care to the cover band and issues in your life. It is asking you to be insightful of your attitudes and behaviour, and to change them thus.

The same as the Four of Wands appears inverted, it is a jot down to pressing out to the positives as this give lead to improvements in a grandeur. Field a optimistic stance, be deferential and grateful. The Four of

Wands inverted moreover tells you to be grateful for all that you clasp and to bring to fruition the clothing that really corporation in your life.

The Four of Wands inverted indicates obstacles and delays give disembark up more often than not either at the situation or in the very accessible further.

Offer is a mettle towards departure romances and false connections. Constitution on untrue foundations offers without help excessive consciousness and bliss. Fear, misgivings and crabbiness may brand brawny aches just about the neck, influence and back areas. Appearing inverted, the Four of Wands implies an ostentatious feeling of mental and physical anxiety that may moreover lower the libido.

The inverted IV of Wands implies a grandeur where portray are restrictions upon idiosyncratic inventiveness and fluency in the form of pointer, convention and set of laws (imposed by the self, unorthodox or others). This is causing darkness and venom, and give really consequence in rebel, protest and ordinary dissension on many levels.


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