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Quality 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm PacificGIANNI MARINELLI - Master Hypnotist - Sanctioned Hypnotherapist - As a master hypnotist-certified hypnotherapist and professional platform hypnotist, Gianni is one of North America's top magnetic entertainers performing ordinarily from coast to coast acquaint with enhanced evenings of enchantment be level with no other--using the combination of complete work out influence and the ludicrous power of the rationale. Gianni is intrigued by the conquer and has unfaltering his separate journeys here the develop of the unreadable. He makes no best to possessing psychic powers, but simply conducts experiments to verify the inner workings and sway of the human rationale. His full bill keeps him in look ahead to for groups of all types. To boot delighting audiences agilely the disembark, Gianni is the published compose of such titles as "All A propos Hypnosis - A New to the job Take away" and supreme now "The Hypnosis Conductor - A General Take away to Hypnosis". These works set aside an in-depth introduction with clear ">SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm PacificDR NANCE MACLEOD - In contrast to Aging & Spending the Permission Foods - Archaic Journeys School in Of New Healing was founded in 1995, the dream was to teach a million or a cut above genus how to become improved, happier and a cut above valuable in life. The prime name of the school was Archaic Journeys School in of natural restore to health, professional and spiritual encroachment. As a result in 2002 the Worldwide Integrated Healing Establishment bought the school and renamed it Archaic Journeys School in of Integrated Healing. As heap genus were off course ended what Integrated restore to health was and Dr. MacLeod introduced new technologies based on ancient traditional restore to health, the name New Healing became a recognized internment. In 2007 the schools name untouched as soon as a cut above to Archaic Journeys School in of New Healing. All credentials courses are attributed by us the Worldwide Integrated Healing Establishment. Your credentials is open in Canada, Common States, UK, Germany, Russia, ">(905) 468-9041Quality 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm PacificMIKE A JOSEPH - Border line East: Present for the After everything else Solution: The Hope Fall and Rest of Western Nation - Mike M. Joseph was untutored in 1944 to a severe biblically slanting Truthful Jewish homespun in the essential British colony Aden, Yemen. In 1949 his undamaged homespun motivated to Israel, at what time a literal Arab pogrom took the lives of his mother and three other brothers. In 1963 the compose motivated to Paris, France to study French and work in the start selling. In departed 1965 the compose motivated to New York while, about four lifetime well along, a transfigure in his pious convictions led him to a community practicing also Old and New Testament wisdom and laws of the Bible. From 1970-1975 the compose served on the supremacy of a literal separate college in Pasadena, California - teaching also modern and Biblical Hebrew to students and ministers on Run off meeting. At the self-same time, the compose attended classes and graduated with a B.A. point in Extensive Arts - with a compelling in Religious studies. Behindhand graduation day in 1975, and a well along ordination, Mr. Joseph began his service in the Attitude Ministry with the Pasadena, CA section congregations. Undeviating the lifetime, Mr. Joseph has published three books (Graphic Unwilling Transcendent Sexuality, subtitled, It all started in Eden - under the pen name, Moran M. Judson - and well along, his rocky work of 720 pp., titled: Border line East: Present for the After everything else Means (the Godly praising, not that of Hitler), subtitled, The Hope Fall and Rest of Western Nation, and in recent times his modern book: Sorry! Grant is no Afterlife: None goes to Paradise or Hell. All books can be purchased from the publisher, or from any compelling bookstore crack international). In addition, Mr. Joseph wrote dozens of articles about Biblical, meaningful, and human dealings subjects. In the author's website:, a gladly down loadable lectures, under 800, about the Law in also OT and NT books, we utter very well, by other subjects: The Transcendent Cosmos, Paradise and Hell, and the Transcendent Handle (in the Temple). - WWW.MIKEMJOSEPH.COMQuality 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm PacificDR NADER POURHASSAN, PHD -Dr Purhassan life-force send 1,000 to whoever proves him baseless by bringing one verse from the Koran to disprove any of thethe statements discusses in the exhibit - Dr. Nader Pourhassan was untutored in Tehran, and motivated to the Common States like he was fourteen lifetime old. He was raised to be a earnest fuel of Islam. Unmoving, his marriage to an American Christian Individual caused Dr. Pourhassan to begin to disbelieve the wisdom of what is inadequately known today to be Islamic Law. For seven lifetime, Dr. Pourhassan pinched himself in the studay of the Koran and the resalahs (policy for article living) as taught by Moslem clerics. This book is the occurrence of that searing transfer. Dr. Pourhassan counterfoil exacting to the wisdom of the Koran, yet his message has importance for Moslems, Christians, Jews, and any person also in the world who has an fascinate in the impart turmoil of contemplation. - WWW.CHRISTIANMUSLIM.ORG and WWW.KORAN-TRUTHORLIE.ORGROB McCONNELLREL-MAR McConnell Media Put togetherThe 'X' Environs Data lines AscertainThe 'X' Environs TV AscertainThe 'X' Environs Proliferation ComplicationThe 'X' History ReportThe Playwright - Publisher Complicationxzoneradiotv@bell.netTel: (905) 575-1222Fax: (905) 575-1222Speed Free: (800) 610-7035
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Fri Mar 19 2010 Tonight On The X Zone With Rob Mcconnell
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