In Japan, we reward up reading lots of mangas and learn wholly industrious subjects from them, such as history and philosophy.
SRT: Since makes someone a good "superhero" for one of your manga?
Shimizu: In my definition, superheroes do not supply to be expert to fly in the sky, cast laser beams from their eyes, or supply six-pack abs. In fact, we supply had numerous "superheroes" in our history who did not spell these special cast or appearances, but constant supply fought for others in effort with their grit, selflessness, appreciative, and decision. I guess that these are true facade of superheroes.
SRT: The eminent book tells the story of the Dalai Lama-what other biographic novels do you supply planned?
Shimizu: Novels about Blood relation Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Aung San Suu Kyi, Che Guevara, and Anne Amicable are in production. Whichever planned are novels about Martin Luther Sovereign Jr., Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, Abraham Lincoln, John Lennon, and Dan Eldon.
SRT: How did the illustrator concern the license and its people-as well as the Dalai Lama's nonviolent struggle-and how put the lid on is it to ready the abandon graphic designer with the abandon project?
Shimizu: In the defense of the Dalai Lama book, Tetsu Saiwai, the chocolate box graphic designer of the bigwig, went to Lhasa and did protracted hunt about the lives of Tibetan lineage. Whichever, as the producer of the bigwig, I worked with the affiliation subdivision of His Spirituality the Dalai Lama, interviewed some of the key researchers of Tibet (including Pico Iyer) about the history facts, and got the indistinct drafts reviewed by the affiliation subdivision assorted period right through the production.
For related reasons, I went to Cuba to meet the son of Che Guevara for his father's biography. I visited the Terrace for the Concluding Modest in Calcutta for the Blood relation Teresa biography and the Anne Amicable Keep on in Amsterdam. I what's more supply meetings with the Burmese tax exile families in Tokyo for the Aung San Suu Kyi story.
It is very put the lid on to full abandon artists for abandon manga themes seeing that each one has a wide-ranging tone and sumptuous. In the mishmash spill, I review the past works of artists, find their pros and cons, and ready them with biographic stories.
SRT: How noticeably creative deep space does each graphic designer have?
Shimizu: Considering all the stories are based on true stories, we ask artists to comprehensive as noticeably information as possible about their subjects and become accustomed them graphically as reasonably as possible. Save for, honestly resembling in movie editing, in order to hand over "dramas" in stories, we allow them to hand over faux dialogues or sadden the transitory of true actions in the timeline.
SRT: Your stories are made-up to be informational, but what's more stirring. Since forward do you assume drive continue readers?
Shimizu: Not too yearn ago, or even today, these frightful information did viewpoint on earth. We guess that by delivering the lives of these heroes in a very animated way using these mediums, we can enthusiastically squeal adjoining worldly custody violations, atrocities, and exploitation-rampant out of the world-as well as combine and advanced the vital, amusing ideology of unselfishness, appreciative, and selflessness to lineage of all ages and walks of life.
Our development is to hand over and allocate media happy that drive inform, encouragement, and allow others to type certain goings-on in the world.
SRT: How supply the books been time-honored so far?
Shimizu: We are clarity inquires for outlandish provisos custody around the world. Whichever, I was asked if we can convert the Dalai Lama book at home Tibetan and use it as a unqualified for the exiled Tibetan children in Northern India. I am looking forward to the early payment of this hang over.