Friday, May 11, 2012

Does Atlantis Have A Scriptural Basis

Does Atlantis Have A Scriptural Basis
The label may hold down some off-guard. Clearly, equally it comes to topics such as the legendary lost town of Atlantis, some turn their main the other way, believing it to be a water myth, a slogan. If you are a effortless reader, you motivation know that whether something appears to be a myth or slogan or not, I try to wrestle it. Atlantis is the matter of hundreds, if not thousands, of books, articles, poems, movies, the fancy. (Model gratitude to: NASA)

As a rule, this blog covers Establishment Science and Apologetics, by Idea and Mysticism, and do not sortie at home these topics. Due to exclusive infrequency, and request, at the back examination, the have a fight are interesting. Let us examine: has put on ever really been an Atlantis, and is put on any Scriptural immoral for it? To begin, we penury to learn a bit about this legendary town.

The old-fashioned version of Atlantis is found in Plato's "Timaeus" and "Critas", in print some 350-400 years beforehand the genesis of Jesus. Plato wrote that this desert island was defeated, having been swallowed up by the sea. Plato goes on to say that Atlantis was named for Record, the oldest twin of Poseidon, son of Cronus, within Greek Myths. Humorously, Cronus, a effortless alteration of Kittim/Cethimas (Kronus/Cronos), who was the son of Javan, son of Japheth - son of Noah, whose line survived on the Ark modish the Flood. Record was most probably Noah's firm, firm, firm grandson. (See entry: "Did Organization Effective Cottage To Be On the verge of 1000?")

The version continues that Poseidon owned an desert island, and named it at the back his son, Atlas: Atlantis. These Atlantians (variant: Atlanteans) had subject parts of what is now Italy and North Africa, and were a pressure to Egypt and Greece. The version tells us that many Athenians could restrain died conflict the Atlantians unexpectedly beforehand the spoil of Atlantis.

Put unsophisticatedly, Atlantis either existed: or id did not. If it did come to pass, so we necessity reserve find ancient history and genuine say-so of such. If not, so the feed is extra. Clearly, when the story was handed down from Egyptians to Solon, Plato's predecessor, to Plato himself, put on was spare than effortless some inaccuracies. If Atlantis was biblical, so it could be one of two things: Atlantis was defeated modish the Flood, and we would not find bomb.

Or, Atlantis was defeated at the back the General Flood, and we could faith to find some bomb of the town. Due to the cataclysmic separate of a worldwide dip, based on the cataclysmic mask tectonics inference interest with the volcanic and seismic outfit at the time of the Flood, as fixed, we necessity not find any bomb. If, for session, Atlantis was a town fancy Sodom and Gomorrah, perhaps it was defeated by God at the back the Flood. Let us produce a pertain to at the version individual in "Critas".

"... which had times of yore when the war which was supposed to restrain on the go place between associates who dwelt shell of the Pillars of Hercules and all who dwelt within them; this was I am leaving to request. Of combatants on the one shoot, the town of Athens was reported to restrain been the conduct and to restrain fought out the war; the combatants on the other shoot were commanded by the kings of Atlantis, which, as was saying, was an desert island big in significance than Libya and Asia, and equally afterwards sunk by an shake, became an tightly packed show of mud to voyagers seafaring from hence to any part of the ocean floor."

Plato in the same way refers to the Atlantic Ocean floor and the "pillars of Hercules." Most scholars conduct Plato was referring to the Network of Gibraltar - which is between modern-day Spain and Morocco. Plato, in referencing Libya and Asia, viewed them as a Greek in 500 BC - these post-Flood characteristics and names are not what we deduce of today as Libya and Asia, but as how they view these spaces so. For session, Asia was initially viewed as part of modern-day Bomb.

In section called stadia, (about 600 ft each) Plato in the same way gives the section for the desert island. The erect are individual as 2000 x 3000 stadia. Modern-day division would execution the desert island as 227 x 340 miles - an anticipated 77,000 square-mile part. (Generally the dimension of Nebraska in the Accomplice States) This allows the "continent" to be a long way away minor than thought. This supposed, could Atlantis restrain been pre-flood? At the rear shut down examination, we find that it was effortless post-flood.

As put by Bodie Hodge of AiG, "Egypt was formed by Mizraim, Noah's grandson, and is reserve well-known as Mizraim in the Hebrew verbal communication. So, for Egypt to be exist of it requires Noah's grandson Mizraim to restrain existed to begin Egypt. If so, descriptions individual by Plato occur to place it shell of the Mediterranean in the Atlantic Ocean floor." Original drive to squeeze is that Plato describes a war between Atlantis and Athens - Athens is in Greece, which was founded by Noah's grandson Javan, post-flood.

Had the Breach at the Get higher of Babel occurred less than a few hundred years at the back the Flood, this would allow Atlantis to be colonized soon at the back by the babies of Poseidon (son of Kittim/Kronus/Cronus), by Record. Indubitable, these names could restrain very well been their names. Eber, who was in the same way the firm, firm, firm grandson of Noah, would restrain effortless had about the identical life tension as Record. At the rear calculations using the genealogies in Daylight, the spoil of Atlantis, at the old-fashioned, could restrain occurred in the 1800's BC. (See entry: "Why Do We Orate So Copious Unrelated Languages?")

The novel it could restrain been defeated was 400 BC, earlier to Socrates, who had died round about this time. Yet, cargo at home warmth that the version had been individual to Solon, who had in turn gotten his version from the Egyptians, the novel check was effortless a few hundred years beforehand Socrates, say round about 700/600 BC. Ranged at 1800's-600's BC.

As put in "Clever Seats", "Indubitable, the very ration and factor of information in Critas has individual Plato's version a long way away of its persistent plausibility. Critas's announcement is to the top with architectural, trade, and national place that would petite restrain been indispensable if all Plato had in attention to detail was to endure a story or slogan to help him make a defeatist drive. Else, Plato laced the treatise of Critas with uncommon references to the gossip as 'the realm of fact and dependable history.' And Solon, who seemingly brought back the story to Greece, was a real participate who had actually visited Egypt as a statesman. All in all, Plato took firm efforts to make his compilation of Atlantis positive credible to the readers of his time, and that tone of conviction has remained a look for spare than 2,000 years."


So, if Atlantis really did come to pass, what happened to it? Copious theories rain. One Creationists conduct that due to the Ice Age that followed General Flood for about 500-700 years, the ocean floor levels would restrain been cost-cutting - to a drive anywhere land bridges would open up, how many personnel and plants effortless crossed to other continents. At the end of the peak of the Ice Age, the water levels began to mount in the ocean floor as glaciers and ice caps began to thaw out. An desert island overtaken by revolution sea levels would occur extremely to an desert island dipping.

The continent set even more Atlantis that Timaeus refers to is effortless the Americas, so it could be ruled out, and it projection exists - it has not sunk at home the sea. One conduct that the islands of Azores, Madeira, or Canary may be Atlantis. In 1669, Athanasius Kircher drew a map, placing Atlantis between Africa/Europe and the Americas. If Atlantis did come to pass, it effortless was a post-Flood desert island not far from the Network of Gibraltar.

As Plato wrote, "But at a forward-looking time put on occurred suggesting earthquakes and floods, and one grievous day and night befell them, equally the whole suppose of your warriors was swallowed up by the earth, and the desert island of Atlantis in fancy manner was "swallowed up by the sea and perplexed"; wherefore in the same way the ocean floor at that identify has now become tightly packed and unsearchable, human being congested up by the shoal mud which the desert island created as it settled down."

Some time ago we pertain to at stories such as the "Iliad" that describes the town of Troy, up until 1873, the unanimous handiwork of the story was thought to restrain been prepared up, equally in fact, it was based on truth. Heinrich Schliemann, for love archaeologist, set out to bear witness to that the story described in the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey", in print by Homer round about 700 BC, were based on some history. In the dead 1860's, Schliemann sincere that the hamlet is Hissarlik in Bomb seemed to match the panorama of the Iliad. He began to dig in 1871.

He found that put on was truly a town under Hissarlik. The layers, which had been thirsty by fire, seemed to print Homer's Troy. One dawning, in the summer of 1873, golden necklaces, earring, crockery, and spare out of the realm was found. This exposure prepared Schliemann distinguished, and when so, archaeologists more often than not sanction that the town he found is effortless Troy. This find continues to enlarge the feed for Atlantis, fair that sometimes, stories do restrain some truth to him. (Conversely in the row of the Bible, it is not a story, but it is history, and is customary, full truth. See details, "Is the Bible Reliable? Has It Been Altered?")

If Atlantis really did come to pass, why was it destroyed? "It was not yearning beforehand Atlantis - clever with wealth, fortitude, and central sale, began to increase its power float up. But at the identical time, the divine and obedient acclaim of its public had begun to weaken with the travel of years. material separate,' Critas reported, 'got the excellent hand.' The Atlanteans began to show protest less seemly qualities: Uncurbed aim, avarice and ugliness grew by the the upper crust and their rulers as well. Perceiving that an indestructible procession was n a pathetic grouping,' Critas supposed, Zeus summoned the gods to put something through its paces what reparation to trouble on Atlantis. in addition equally he had called them together he laugh at as follows:' And this is anywhere Critas breaks off. For minion reasons, Plato more his proof of Atlantis beforehand he had individual the weary - slightly touched upon in the prior treatise of "Timaeus"."

Put forward is assorted drive to squeeze. "It is well-known that the volcanic desert island of Thera, in the Aegan Sea, exploded in about 1470 BC. [A few decades beforehand the Exodus in Israel] The 4,900-foot fortune erupted with such molest that the middle split of the desert island misshapen at home the rapidly emptied chamber 1,200 feet below the sea. The on all sides part, now well-known as the desert island of Santorini, was caked in a 100-foot-thick role of volcanic ash, and it is under this role that rest of the Minoan Evolution restrain been found."

Can Thera restrain been Atlantis? No, some profess. Yes, others walkout. When if Plato had misinterpreted Solon's writings to mean that the spoil had actually occurred 900 years beforehand the genesis of Solon - not 9,000? This would place the role nearer to the spoil of Thera. An desert island about 80,000 sq. miles would exquisitely fit at home the Aegan Sea. Similarly, the Greek word for "big than" is stable to their word, "middle." Was Atlantis actually middle between Libya and Asia, and not "big than?" If this is true, and Atlantis is actually the desert island of Thera, so the mystery is solved.

Yet, worry bomb. Maybe Atlantis was assorted story to describe round about the campfire. Maybe it was virtuous a myth. Yet, if put on is any truth to Atlantis, consider seems to execution that it is fondly possible. By reaching the identical extroverted category as Sodom and Gomorrah, Atlantis, or Thera, may restrain been defeated in a stable way - by a volcanic eruption that misshapen the middle split of the desert island at home the sea.

Now, some may profess that because Plato's version states that Atlantis was swallowed up by the sea, that Thera could not I don't know be Atlantis. Yet, if Atlantis was to be found in the middle split of the desert island, it would restrain sunk equally the volcano erupted, round about 1470 BC. Regardless of how many divergent angles we pertain to at Atlantis, put on seems to be a "desirable worry," allowing for perk up examination, yet we may never know if Atlantis ever actually did come to pass. In little, is put on a Scriptural immoral for Atlantis? Atlantis itself is not mentioned in the Bible, but it may restrain existed as a post-flood way of life familiar the Network of Gibraltar.

Thank you for cargo the time to read this details of, "The Rectitude." I anticipate this has acknowledged as sharp, edifying, and interesting as it has been to notate it. Regard free to email me at or the Ministry Group at, slip the facebook page, hint below, or slip the Ministry homepage. Understand be bothered, and may God bless. "Troy Hillman"


" Hodge, Bodie. "Did Atlantis Exist?" Web. 11 Jan 2011. < >"

" Ibid. "

" Ibid."

" Ibid."

Timaeus 25c-d, Bury style."

" A quantity of Authors. "Clever Seats". 2nd ed. TIME-LIFE, 1987. 14-19. Make a copy."

" Ibid. 19."

" A quantity of Authors. "Witty Goods, Humbling Soundtrack." 4th ed. Reader's Hasty, 1976.60-61. Make a copy."

" Ibid. 61."