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NOTE: this one's from at the rear of meeting, but I sluggish stand by the attachment. I know it's a repeat but it's charge to rip off within the holidays, sez me.Good enough, I wave around to ask: am I the without help black guy who thinks Kwanzaa is a load of bullshit? Today's the early on day of that almanac celebration, and I precisely ain't feelin' it. Never did.By way of regret as to now what Kwanzaa's whispered to be, here's an reference from the good old Wikipedia:Kwanzaa (or Kwaanza) is a week-long Pan-African f?te prodigious fundamental in the United States, worship African American birthright. It is observed from December 26 to January 1 each meeting. Kwanzaa consists of seven days of celebration, featuring arrangements such as candle-lighting and pouring of libations, and culminating in a spread and gift bountiful. It was produced by Ron Karenga, and early on prodigious from December 26, 1966, to January 1, 1967, timed to total with Christmas so that it would be remembered. Karenga calls Kwanzaa the African American parcel of "early on fruits" partying of representation African cultures.Karenga produced Kwanzaa in 1966. Karenga supposed his line of reasoning was to "...present a Black original to the tangible holiday and present Blacks an casement to cheer themselves and history, utterly than with no trouble photocopy the practice of the paramount way of life." The name Kwanzaa derives from the Swahili period "matunda ya kwanza", meaning "early on fruits". The higher of Swahili, an East African have a discussion, reflects its national as a symbol of Pan-Africanism, vastly in the 1960s, even if greatest African-Americans wave around West African origin.The court silhouette on the spelling of the holiday is that an spread "a" was mega to "Kwanza" so that the word would wave around seven send. The name was intended to wave around a put to death for each of what Karenga called "The Seven Morals". Numerous regret is that Karenga mega the fresh "a" to loveliness the African-American meaning from the African one. Kwanzaa is in the same way sometimes improperly spelled "kwaanza".Kwanzaa is a celebration that has its ancestry in the black partisan dispute of the 1960s, and was general as a important to help African Americans reconnect with their African cultural and earlier period birthright by uniting in meditation and study of "African traditions" and "admired humanist thinking."In 1967, a meeting in the wake of Karenga on purpose this new holiday, he publicly espoused the view that "Jesus was psychotic" and that Christianity was a white religion that blacks want avoid. Except, as Kwanzaa gained distinctive adherents, Karenga unlike his instate so as not to upset practicing Christians, with stating in the 1997 Kwanzaa: A Surveillance of Clutch, Civil, and Modification, "Kwanzaa was not produced to present lineage an original to their own religion or committed holiday."So now you get the idea. (And you've got to present that Karenga dude points for the out of the blue witticism "Jesus was psychotic" statement; makes John Lennon's "We're manager all the rage than Jesus" luminosity in similarity, no?)I dunno, the whole thing strikes me as an reach to assemble a link to aspects of African culture that we, as American-born blacks, wave around no relationship with consign for our genetics (and even our genetics wave around been greatly mongrelized like we the day our private early on got wearing, making for too-sexy critters aim meself) so why not more willingly come up with a celebration of our own thing, an American thing that recognizes the humanity that black American influences wave around finished not without help in this fair land's melting pot culture, but to that of the exclusive globe? (And don't hand me that "African-American" horseshit either; I am not African, I am an American. I was untutored wearing, I believe in the plan of a pan-ethnic way of life, and even even if it doesn't eternally work I staunchly mainstay the mean.)And as for the "Seven Morals," they're all well and good in and of themselves and are an estimable list shout which to found a philosophy:1. Umoja (Reason) To clash for and to keep unity in the setting, community, nation and contour.2. Kujichagulia (Abandon) To define ourselves, name ourselves, go for ourselves and speak for ourselves.3. Ujima (Mutual Value and Burden) To build and keep our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems and to respite them together.4. Ujamaa (Beneficial Economics) To build and keep our own stores, shops and other businesses and to skilled from them together.5. Nia (Goal) To make our communal vocation the formation and developing of our community in order to restore our lineage to their traditional fine quality.6. Kuumba (Skill) To do eternally as further as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community manager signal and kind than we hereditary it.7. Imani (Repute) To believe with all our center in our lineage, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the politeness and star of our work.Having read and serious all of that I wave around to say that this list has very squat to do with what I see improvement in some realms of black American way of life. All seven thinking fall by the curb for me to the same extent I see blacks for instance our own supreme enemy (don't let pass who really endorsed the slave trade to flourish on the African end of notes), what with the unspeakable lack of midpoint on the setting as a unit, the pathetic delivery of nasty piece of work culture and air that was next broadcast as "coonish," a midpoint on kind evident help and bling-bling utterly than a concerted develop for maturity and the arts... My list goes on and on, nonetheless the list of the Seven Morals is more willingly impediment and laconic in what it puts out acquaint with. If Kwanzaa is to wave around any real meaning for self, save ancestors precepts in sensitivity year-round, and not precisely for a week.Oh well, at lowest it's not fairly a "committed" thing. And nonetheless I'm not down with further of the whole Kwanzaa thing, I do love me some Kwanzaabot.Kwanzaabot (articulated by Coolio) and Binge Rodriguez, from FUTURAMA.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Happy Kwanzaa
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