Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Our Altars

Our Altars
Oh yes, I forgot telling you guys: Remember I said my camera was broken again? Guess what... I'm even ashamed to say... I simply forgot replacing batteries... How beautiful is this? LOL I'm REALLY getting old! Thank gods it was just this, though...

Well, back to the photos. This is Lucas's little altar he arranged on his bedside table. The cloth was made by my sister Claudia when he was born, as a wall hanging, it looks perfect for an altar with the stars. You can see the stones he painted representing the gods on the back. I just want to change the incense holder, to big for it, I think (he "stole" it from my Etsy put-aside stuff!):

And here is the dreamboard he made when Misquim left. I wanted to submit it to Jamie, but with the camera incident, I couldn't. He wrote in Portuguese "Misquim, happy", saying he didn't want anything else this month to wish. O f course it almost killed me: Now he keeps his sacred space clean and with fresh water almost every day, which is big for him! He can't wait to decorate it for our Yule night.

Oh, by the way, as Turtle asked some time ago: We will keep our bedrooms altars, and on sabbaths and esbats, we'll perform our rituals on the kitchen table, specially prepared when the time comes. I can't think of any other place to do it, kitchens are so magickal in my opinion, it's perfect. So we'll decorate the table for the special dates, and make more personal rituals on our little altars in the rooms. Many rituals will be performed outside, during the day, but in the evening, while it's this cold, no way! :o)

This is my old little altar that I arranged on my bedroom while I don't have a proper space (meaning while my inlaw doesn't built a nice shelf under the mirror!):

One thing upsets me here concerning my magical side: incenses, oils and candles are a rarity around here! There are only very sweet fruit incenses, that I hate (they let me sick), no good oils, and the richaud candles I love using, nowhere to find them! Luckly mom went to Sao Paulo last weekend, where my sister lives (it'1s the first time she visits her there after three years living in SP! Claudia would kill mom if she visited me first place! LOL), and I begged her to buy as much as she can - in Sao Paulo everthing is found, much cheaper even than in Rio - sandal, oak, lavender, musk, etc incenses, and small candles in all color. Claudia will be my trader from now on! :o) Of course I can use (and I am!) the stick candles (again, here there are only the white color), but gods know why I prefer the richaud type.
