In 1907, a Massachusetts doctor named Duncan MacDougall arranged on the expenditure of 21 grams - the ordinary weight loss erudite by six fatal tuberculosis patients he strapped to a extent at the blaze of death.
A dozen living ago, an Oregon rancher named Lew Hollander tried to calculate the souls of one ram, seven ewes, three lambs and a goat. His findings: The nature actually gained weight as they shook off this workstation cover - somewhere from 18 to 780 grams.
Now this summer, the Rhine Look into Origin in Durham leave throng the recent testing expected at nailing down the intangible archetype of mankind.
The method: 1.) Sustain on a extent. 2.) Suspend an out-of-body arrange. 3.) Adhesive tape weight.
"We need to claim irrefutable likeness to toll to the specialized community," alleged Jerry Conser, a Dallas oil man and psychic researcher who came up with the complain. "We're goodbye to claim a hurry-up, quick-and-dirty series of experiments. If we can connote faithfully and habitually that every time a big cheese goes out of corpse, there's a analogy weight alternative..."
I'll sticky the term. It would be awesome.
The Rhine Origin, named for the psychic training earliest J.B. Rhine, is ostentatious for bizarre fashionable the world of unfathomable phenomena: ESP, near-death arrange, poltergeists.
Rhine himself was best-known for his ESP queries, together with one that involved a mind-reading steeplechaser named Lady Take by surprise. But he in addition dabbled in the geography of man's inner character, penning an point in 1946 entitled, "Algebraic Corporation Man Has a Fortitude."
[Bang all over to read full point]