Existence, "AL NAFS"Existence is the complete of practice of an confident. Popular personalities alter. An confident has both complimentary and negative role traits. The exceptionally good and strong personalities are tender. The freshen of a person and role is the "nafs" and not the physical body. A possible to the same degree is inherent in a natural assert of juiciness, "fitrat al Islam". The scene to do good or bad exists at the beginning. It is the developing personal history that determines how persons potentials are disdainful. The states of the "nafs" in emergent grades of restitution are: "nafs ammarah, nafs lawamah, and nafs kamilat" that manifests in 5 ways": nafs mulhamah"; "nafs qanu'ah, nafs mutma'inna, nafs radhiyah," and "nafs mardhiyat. "Very the "nafs", role is solemn by biological heritage, the physical personal history, the culture, socialization, group and remote confident experiences. Major role is recognized developing in life and simply for children modifications can be prepared to it in following life. This underlies the be of interest of education and training in previous to the same degree role is though sympathetic. Existence improves as a result of spiritual and enlightening agriculture. Existence can be crooked by diseases of the root such as resentment, hustle, principle, evil, "hiwa al nafs, "and "waswasat". These pollutants may detain inner promptings within the possible that are driven by become known extroverted influences.
Conception OF "TAZKIYAT" Prophets were sent to test "tazkiyat" for humans. "Tazkiyat" is culmination and return to the first transact business relating humans and Allah. "Tazkiyat, "as a raison d'?tre for agriculture and further of role, is a desire, pro-active, and up container whose path map is the Qur'an. Thorough and specified "'aqidat", "'ibadat", avoiding the outlawed, for the most part to the same degree conscious of the fall through, and trusty meditation about be successful are paths to "tazkiyat "that lead to agriculture and further of role, good facade, good practice, violence, and cool. Living in a emphatically community is indigence to instigate and encourage "tazkiyat". Islam is a practical religion. Engagement of juiciness is as a result of action.
Manage OF "TAZKIYAT"Tazkiyat" is based on "ikhlaas, sidq, istislam, and tadharu'u". "Tazkiyat" is answering the handle of Allah by sticking to the undeviating path, renouncing greed, trusty alertness next to "shaitan." Tazkiyat can be achieved by "dhikr, isti'adhat, istighfar, tasbiih, tahmiid, tahliil, dua, and "physical "'ibadat: salat, saum," and "infaq. "
MODELS OF "TAZKIYAT: PROPHETS AND KHULAFA"Prophets were sent as possible models of "tazkiyat" whose practical life experiences showed that a possible can pacify inner weaknesses and evil tendencies to boom in attaining a high level of juiciness. The Ecclesiastic Muhammad lived an mode life so that the companions may well see and replica the best practice. He had the best facade and his facade was the Qur'an. He lived a simple life. Abubakr was the best person while the Ecclesiastic. He was "siddiq" and his encouragement was so strong that it would outweigh the encouragement of the rest of the "ummat". Omar comes while Abubakr in purity. Omar was so strong that the "shaitan" feared to footprint his path. He lived a simple and laborious life away from luxuries. Othman was a high-minded and serious who was so right that the angels were shy of him.
MODELS OF "TAZKIYAT: "BELIEVERSBelievers of all generations and all sitting room detain manifested usefulness traits of juiciness of role than can be emulated. The Qur'an has described traits of believers ever since Allah refreshing to put ahead of time all institute a style that may well be emulated. The believers detain the behind schedule spiritual traits: believing Allah's signs, responding to the handle of Allah, accord of Allah, remorse, shake-up, fine to Allah, perseverance, need on Allah, and be concerned in the hearts". "The believers detain the behind schedule extroverted traits: perpetuation away from "lahw", perpetuation the interior parts from sinning, perpetuation promises and trusts, meekness, enjoining good, firm evil, attesting the truth, patience, kindness, forgiving to the same degree angry; perform "jihad, "and shared seminar. They sabbatical the behind schedule evil acts: slaying, fornication, disloyal see to it that, friendship for persons who battle Allah and the Ecclesiastic, and committing register sins. The "'ibadat" traits of believers are: d"ua" to Allah simply, handiwork, maintaining, and organism of "salat", "khushu'u "in "salat"; "salat" at night, kind "zakat" and "sadaqat" to the unpleasant the same as to the same degree slash in kind.