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Divine Grail - From Sirius? Nicholas Roerich and the The Chintamani MudBy Consciousness Amaru Pinkham for Four Corners Fund Disappeared Picture; On seated camels, influence to left: Nicholas Roerich, Vladimir Shibaev. January, 1925. Retreat Said, Egypt. W ith the customary colossal outpouring of information in relation to the legendary Divine GRAIL (or "Grails") it is out of hand to fail to spot what may be the very topmost Divine Grail on Found, the Chintamani Mud, the "Merit of the Innovation." Surrounded by 1923-1928 this stone, which topmost manifested on Found innumerable thousands of kick previously the CUP OF CHRIST, was taken by the subconscious Russian performer and mystic "Nicholas Roerich" popular the heartland of the Far East in order to unify it with the mother stone it had been not speaking from, a colossal jewel that resided in "SHAMBHALA", the Buy of the Immortals. This CHINTAMANI Mud, which is of extra-terrestrial origin, had so they say been brought to Found by emissaries from a furrow orbiting the star Sirius and as a result handed better to Shambhala's to start with lessee, the shifty "Ruler of the Innovation," a ruler renowned by innumerable mystics in the East but moral by a handful of occultists in the West. In regards to its cooperative spirit in the Divine Grail legends, the Chintamani Mud appears to be equivalent with the "Mud of Fantasy," the Divine Grail look mentioned by Wolfram von Eschenbach in his prominent Grail interpretation renowned as Parzival, which is regarded by supreme Grail scholars to be the supreme realize and bona fide of the Grail legends. The Chintamani Mud repeatedly hysteria the stance of Eschenbach's unfathomable Mud of Fantasy for instance, in the neighborhood its speculative analogy, the Merit of the Innovation is theoretical to peculiar moreover the power to make a material morally upright, as well as to restrain come to Found from "Fantasy" (SIRIUS), a truth that is so they say impressed upon it as Sanscrit text that Roerich bearing in mind translated as "By means of the Stars I come. I bring the chalice (Grail) lined with the casing." Adore Eschenbach's stone the CHINTAMANI Mud is, noticeably, exceedingly green in color, to the same extent Roerich is on invoice as exceedingly stating that the Chintamani Mud is go well together in circle to a relations of meteorite renowned as "MOLDAVITE", which is dark green in color. If the Chintamani Mud is definitely Eschenbach's Mud of Fantasy may possibly it exceedingly be the creature Philosophers Mud, which legends keep up may possibly turn a center metal popular gold and a material popular an morally upright deity? Possibly will it be the creature Divine GRAIL, the one that was following emulated by all "Divine GRAILS," as well as the Cup of Christ and the thicket of the Justification Cross? Along with so outlying vinyl in its post of its power and apparition, it does definitely film that the study of the CHINTAMANI Mud duty pledge special sensitivity in any award "Divine GRAIL" experimentation. The Form and Outline of the Chintamani MudFigures is scant on the subject of the Chintamani Mud, but so they say the extra-terrestrial stone is stronger than direct Radium and its on the go brightness can closely advance a person's own vibratory pervasiveness while bestowing upon him or her the say-so to see popular the farther than and approaching, develop popular an morally upright material unit, or even acquire world rule. It has exceedingly been not compulsory that the stone can never be adequately hardened mechanically for instance outlying of it exists in a advanced dimensional pervasiveness than the one we be there within.New related entry in relation to the Chintamani Mud maintains that it was brought to Found by Sirian missionaries because of a lonely era in order to finally help hasten a one-world ethnicity based upon two-way post, love, and social equality. In order to effectuate this countless analyze, the Sirians are understood to restrain, in history, through fixed that the stone remained in the acquisition of exact cosmological rulers or organizations that restrain been in the place of influencing the world on a dignified terrible nature. Because its initiation on Found, the Chintamani Mud has, for test, been in the acquisition of he who is the vital consciousness governing all of the world from an etheric stage, the Ruler of the Innovation, while parts of it restrain been in the acquisition of such acknowledged conquerors and progress builders as Ruler Solomon, Genghis Khan and Akbar the Mysterious. Give to is some sign that one part of the stone has been the sacred stone of the Kaaba, which has coupled millions of Moslems on all sides of the sphere. In overdue history it is renowned that a portion of the Chintamani Mud was conclusive to the founders of the Union of Nations, whose declared goals were the the system of a one-world ethnicity free of repugnance and war. This was the stone that Nicholas Roerich carried back to Shambhala significant the degeneration of that large-scale abode.One sore establishment silt in regards to the customary activities of the Chintamani Mud. Did Roerich realize his lead to Shambhala? Is the sacred stone back in the Buy of the Immortals? Most historians fade that Roerich did not fairly put in Shambhala but then again during in a Tibetan firm which is strictly fundamental to it. One such firm is Shigatse, home of the Tashilumpo Monastery and first city of the Panchen Lama, one of the belief lamas of Tibet who is sometimes referred to as advanced in the cosmological spiritual hierarchy than even the Dalai Lama himself. Myths clearance that represent are innumerable copse tunnels linking the Tashilumpo Monastery with Shambhala, and it is an reliable truth that exact incumbent Panchen Lamas restrain geologically traveled represent better the course of innumerable hundreds of kick. The Third Panchen Lama even wrote a book, called Tendency to Shambhala, within which he outlined advice on how to travel overland to Shambhala. New-fangled eye-catching edge that permanently contacts the Panchen Lama, Shigatze and Shambhala is the Kalachakra Tantra, an strenuous form of Tantric Buddhism qualified and knowledgeable in moreover sitting room.Happening the time that Roerich would restrain visited Shigatse the holy Tibetan city was a world first city of the Mysterious Silvery Brotherhood and overcrowded with Ascended Masters, such as Master Koothumi and Master Morya, an astute who qualified Nicholas and his husband, Helena, the path of Agni Yoga, an alchemical path based upon the knowledge of the Kalachakra. Real McCoy to Roerich's dwell in Tibet Madam Blavatsky had regularly through an bend to Shigatse to study with the Mysterious Silvery Brotherhood and to convoy information for her tomes on esoteric history, which inhibit Isis Unveiled and The Limited Doctrine. One of Blavatsky's students, Alice Bailey, is noted for having following expected a choice of transmissions in relation to Shambhala and the Ruler of the Innovation from the Master Djwhal Khul, who was a lessee of Shigatse at the time.From Sirius?Possibly will the Chintamani Mud restrain really come from Sirius? Did humans restrain tap with the Sirians in the icy past? Possibly. In the essential century anthropologists in Mali open that some of the African country's tribes, such as the Dogon and Bozo tribes, claimed to restrain bearing in mind had visitations from Sirian missionaries who acted as their teachers. To sponsor their claims these tribes revealed some of the vague impression information transmitted to them from their mentors, which included a knowledge of the Sirian fortune of three stars, as well as a knowledge of the moons from one place to another exact icy planets in our Enormous Set of connections. Such information may possibly moral be acquired directly observation with very high-powered telescopes, a sumptuous these youthful tribes were never in the place to peculiar.Robert Summit, dramatist of The Sirius Key, which records the history of the Dogon take possession of and their encounters with the Sirians, found several possible Found haunt with Sirius curtly at the rear of his book was published. Members of Freemasonry, who had yearn renowned of Sirius as the Mysterious Silvery Lodge in the Galaxy and equally depicted it in their lodges as the Baking Star, contacted Summit and invited him to become an amicable of their abode. Whilst Summit may possibly not therefore find juicy indications that Freemasonry had been in road tap with Sirian missionaries in the farther than, he did find prying clues linking them to the star Sirius, as well as the eye within the triangle symbol which right now surmounts the pyramid on the US meticulous. This triangle, an ancient Freemasonic symbol, depicts the Important Actress of the Innovation and is well related with what the Dogon take in hand to as the "Eye" of the freedom, the dwarf star Digitaria, that is part of the trinitized Sirian fortune of stars and endorsed by the speed as the Writer of the Innovation. The US meticulous finally became featured on the back of the US blame arrange because of the transfer of Franklin Roosevelt, who was himself a high Freemason and Shriner, and previously that it was the symbol of the eighteenth century Illuminati, who hunted to fall upon the Sirian analyze of a one-world ethnicity in spite of it is understood they did so with less than easily generous intentions. Summit exceedingly open several signal significant a virtually edge amid the Freemasons and Sirius: the day of US free expression by the Freemasonic fathers, July 4th, is one of the days of the day in the role of our Sun is in its flanking alignment with Sirius.The Indicate of the Chintamani MudWhile Nicholas Roerich was touring Tibet and Mongolia he continuously heard cries in the midst of the Buddhist monks of "It is the time of Shambhala!" According to the monks the Ruler of the Innovation would curtly have a wash down from Shambhala with a grown-up military to ruin all evil upon the Found previously declaring himself our planet's eternal primary. Necessary his unavoidably regime was doomed to be the Chintamani Mud, which right now resides in the King's Arise in the very build of Shambhala.Roerich and his mentors within the Mysterious Silvery Brotherhood and the Theosophical Kinship founded by Madam Blavatsky maintain that the military of the Ruler of the Innovation is, in truth, a power emanating from Shambhala that repetitively raises the pervasiveness of our furrow. It was, for test, this power that fueled WWII and, finally, led to the fall of the Third Reich, even at the rear of the Nazis attempted to restraint it for their own homely purposes. Eventually this transformative power force ruin all perky blockages that be there at a tarnish pervasiveness than itself (i.e., negativity, self-indulgence, keep on, etc.) while cool accelerating the succession of all life forms on Found. Following it has done its pre-destined analyze, clearance the Theosophists, a cosmological ethnicity based upon love and social equality force at the end get up. Possibly as a result the Ruler of the Innovation and his Chintamani Mud force make their phantom renowned universally to all. Spare ON CINTAMANI STONE; Cintamani (exceedingly spelled as Chintamani or called the Chintamani Mud) is a wish-fulfilling jewel within moreover Hindu and Buddhist traditions. In Buddhism it is assumed by the bodhisattvas, Avalokiteshvara and Ksitigarbha. It is exceedingly seen carried upon the back of the Lung ta (weave colt). Within Hinduism it is fundamental with the gods, Vishnu and Ganesha.By reciting the "Dharani" of CINTAMANI, Buddhist tradition maintains that one attains the Impression of Buddha, on the ball to understand the truth of the Buddha, and turn afflictions popular Bodhi. It is theoretical to allow one to see the Divine Retinue of Amitabha and throng upon one's deathbed.The CINTAMANI is theoretical to be one of four leftovers that came in a coffer that cut from the sky (innumerable terma cut from the sky in caskets) because of the regulation of king Lha Thothori Nyantsen of Tibet.[mention popular] The king however did not understand the advantage of the material, however he aloof them in exaltation. Diverse kick following, two technical strangers appeared at the appointment of the king explaining the four leftovers amid which inhibit the Buddha's cast (credibly a Lyrics Cavern) and a Charmstone (jewel, crystal or gem) with the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra adorned on it, renowned as a mani stone. These few material were the bringers of the Dharma to Tibet. Terribly, we now know that crystals are vivid substances and strait is key to the Mantrayana, and the Mantrayana was the topmost rise of the Buddhadharma to fall from the sky popular the appointment of Thothori Nyantsen.The mani-jewel is translated with Chinese ruyi as ruyizhu "as-one-wishes jewel" or ruyibaozhu "as-one-wishes strong jewel", and as Japanese nyoi-shu or nyoi-hoju. The Digital Glossary of Buddhism's ruyizhu keep a note says.A "MANI-JEWEL"; magical jewel, which manifests whatever one desires for (Skt. mani, cinta-mani, cintamani-ratna). According to one's requests, resources, clothing and yield can be manifested, while loatheness and unrest can be jejune, water can be purified, etc. It is a metaphor for the knowledge and virtues of the Buddha.... Said to be obtained from the dragon-king of the sea, or the fizz of the subconscious lure, Makara, or the leftovers of a Buddha. Demanding from the blog "Pleiadian"
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
The Holy Grail From Sirius
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