Sunday, July 20, 2014

Prayer Of The Dead

Prayer Of The Dead
"We come from farther than the stars,

And farther than the stars we shall return,

Ennobled and hyper of dazzling powers,

If we each fend for ourselves effective.

To one who is a conqueror of our inhabit,

One who has done dazzling items, wise far-flung,

Demise is but a veranda to the Godhead

Which each of us can cut, in the opulence of time.

It is rumored that the Huge Lords of High-minded Valhalla

At what time trod the sacred groves, and were as us.

Saluted the muscular and honourable wolf,

Honoured the raven as messengers of the Gods,

And wise wisdom. So shall it be with us.

Advise that nevertheless we change form and whiff

We shall be ever yet the extremely.

Advise that, relatively or later, for each and all of us,

Our own divine and immortal Sparks of life

Shall go farther than.

Shall diversity amid a million million worlds.

Later dazzling Odin himself, we shall finally become as Gods,

To be in all get older, and in all seats.

This is Odin's caption to each and all of us.

Jump at Odin!"
