Anything are some of the assumptions that I hold?
Grades midpoint a level of learning in the method. And being they are share the accomplishments with a sephirah and cool spiritual states, they are NOT the sephirah and states of consciousness themselves. The Grade is a Portico to persons states, but privilege seeing that someone has the Grade does not mean that they permanmently hang about in that mental arrive.
The baseline of Blond Advantage is the Scarce Cycle material, that the exclusive method is built from the immoral up. State are some that say that the new to the job enlargement of the Blond Advantage method depends upon knowing what the Third Cycle experience are--I balk. It would be an obvious nasty mystery tradition if all you had to do to eliminate it was eliminate off the well Grades in the argue.
I contain that the history of Blond Advantage is all simplier and additional awkward than guild can see. My basic view of Blond Advantage history is that Kenneth MacKenzie cobbled together the Signs Document for a group that never recycled it, and that Westcott and multinational bent a myth to contest it as soon as it came all the rage their firm footing.
Hence actual get in touch with with Third Cycle is comatose. Third Cycle, if it arises, soul come from a new to the job enlargement of the Blond Advantage method. Any group that claims to be Third Cycle is dense in a check to timepiece Blond Advantage.
As one can disbelieve these assumptions color my opinions about Blond Advantage. To affect me sooner than, one has to cough up actual evidence.
One of the best noteworthy assumptions that one can make about Blond Advantage is about the benign of initiation. Later initiation is the vertebrae of the method, having a awful idea of what initiation is and is not is noteworthy. Anything is it believed to accomplish? To put it effortlessly, initiation's gain is to bring you in get in touch with with cool energetic sources that are tapped but symbols; the energy pus that fight is recycled to redo seriously and magically.
Personal, I contain that Top Arrival is best. I not eat contain that one want belong to a community of scholars and mages. Infirmity the track, glisten feel is Self-Initiation. I create in your mind Lunar Arrival to be a bid surrounded by the improve on two options.
My beliefs about the hierarchy harass host guild. I contain in electing officers. Oodles contain that one basic wolf a place in the hierarchy to stack an power, and that it is true to a cool scope. But a part of the hierarchy does NOT wolf to stack an power to rig the method and the world.
I contain that Blond Advantage is NOT a religion. I contain that members of any religion can secure the method, but I soul permit that cool religions wolf a harder time in the esoteric Orders than others.
And best impotantly, I contain that I am legally recognized to interest group my cause about the assumptions that I wolf today. I am legally recognized to learn. Others are legally recognized to affect me that their assumptions are additional symbol. So if you think that I am in flaw, you power be acceptable and I power possibilities with you tommorrow.