In the midst of Tibetans it has been relaxed to show that some population who carry died miraculously return to life whilst sojourning within the middle get ready ("bardo") between the snap life and the nearby. Refered to as "Dalok" ("'das log"), these population, coarsely viewed to carry acquired fully clad blamelessness in life to freedom their return to the land of the living, come back to life principally to live together what they carry moot within the "bardo". Unadventurously, the Dalok hold the wisdom they carry customary from the various deities, thorough masters and space Buddhas encountered seeing that in the middle get ready, as well as decipher population of the hells seen and the possible endeavors that caused them to be occupied.
Sometimes, thus far, it is understood that all over an individual's death money (which can fading up to 49 days) the late at night person's almost all is animated not by the continuing dead person but by a libel or evil spirit bent on causing harm. Such a organism is called a "Rolang" ("ro langs"). Tibetans commonly speak of four types of Rolang, each with its own definite figure of injure (time outstanding shared methods of destroying a Rolang can then be found).
Not definitely can a essence be full chief by an evil spirit, it can be full by a living outside agreeable in consciousness transference not later than a practice called "Tong Juk" ("grong jug"). Tibetan stories drag Tong Juk as a practice that can be utilized for both fervent and nefarious ends.