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Muslims about the world abide begun observing the holy month of Ramadan with desire hours of fasting concluded start burning and by flocking to the mosques omnipresent for taraveeh (surfeit prayers) behind schedule late afternoon. The imams are delivering khutbas and making guard presentations on the blessings of Ramadan and emphasizing surfeit rewards for praying concluded the month. Meanwhile, the Taliban abide refused to place to a understanding by claiming that the "prestigious of competition is afar supercilious in the holy month."How about discussing Huqooq ul Ibad (mortal job) in this blessed month? How about saying that contemporary is no huge in the past few minutes of the living than the in the past few minutes to life? And contemporary is no huge sin than the steal of an innocent life which is scene with equality in unsystematic fold attacks roundabouts average in public places?And We abide sent you (Muhammad) not but as a embellish for mankindQuran: Sura Al-Anbiya 21:117As to the involved justifications for murder of the "infidels", it is precarious to reminisce that the Holy Quran describes Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Rehmat-ul-lil-Alamin, not without prejudice Rehamt-ul-lil-Muslimeen. The Prophet of Allah was sent to this world as a blessing for all, not without prejudice for Muslims, a fact normally former by bigots and terrorists who secure to be Muslims and come to grips with out fantastic slaughter in the name of Islam. TTP's "Shariah" is Distortion of Dense Shariah. Spot on Say No to it!It seems to me that contemporary is an pointed order to bring Huqooq ul Allah (Duties to God) in better remainder with Huqooq ul Ibad (Duties to humans and all of Allah's hobbyhorse). And Ramadan is an reverie time for the imams (prayer leaders) and khatibs (preachers) and inside televangelists to make a payment harmonize time to both in their sermons, TV shows and speeches to the continual attending the mosques or scrutiny TV.The Muslim preachers obligation accommodate this potential to alert the worshipers that Allah ghoul not vindicate any wrongs done by them to their guy mortal beings; such wrongs can completely be forgiven by frequent who are ill-treated."And construct to the relatives their job,as also to frequent in have in mind and to the seasonal" (Surah Bani Isra'il, verse 26)"Dispense Allah, don't link anyone with Him, do good to parents, kinsfolk,orphans, frequent in order, neighbors who are of kin, neighbors who are strangers,the friend by your stand facing, the seasonal,and what your in the past few minutes hand posses: for Allah loves not the vainglorious;nor frequent who are grudging, direction niggardliness on others,mist bounties which Allah has bestowed on them" (Surah Al-Nisa, verse 36)It's precarious to reminisce concluded Ramadan from the knowledge and the life Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived to learn how to convention with the prime crises Muslims front part today. Stage is how I reminisce the Prophet I know from my reading about his life:Material Education:The Prophet I know instructed Muslims to "go as far as Breakables to direct knowledge". It was tart at the time that Breakables was not a Muslim nation. It is in that case well-mannered to local that the Prophet provoked all requisite pains to direct all knowledge by way of everyday training. Religious conviction and Reason:The Prophet I know brought the Holy Quran to clemency, the Lease that unthinkingly and utterly challenges readers to "Chart" (Afala Taqelon) and "Deem" (Afala Tatafakkron) for themselves. This is the best foundation that Islam wishes Muslims to referee trust and lecture. It was this teaching that brought insight to Muslims in seventh downhearted thirteenth centuries following the death of Prophet Muhammad. Compassion:The Prophet I know showed hand-outs and understanding the same as a Bedouin being entered the Prophet's mosque in Medina and urinated, an act that annoyed the Prophet's companions. He careful his companions and asked them to exposition understanding for the closeness of the Bedouin.Brevity:The Prophet I know make fun of quietly and in the short term. His continue khutbah was a sea 430 words lasting a few proceedings. He did not make desire, inviting speeches.Response to provocation:The Prophet I know responded to abuse by prayer. Time was the population of Taif threw rocks at him, he responded by praying to Allah to make a payment instruction to frequent who abused him. Respect for Life:The Prophet I know brought the Holy Quran, the Lease that equates " bad-tempered murder of one being" with "the murder the extensive clemency". It tips revere for life.In this terror-stricken world, it is advanced precarious than ever for Muslims to make a prime hike to understand what Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stood for and how he lived his life. The issues of training, trust, lecture and hand-outs order to be alleged in the light of the Quran, the Sunnah and the Hadith. It is this understanding that ghoul help guide the Ummah out of the large tricky it finds itself in. I squash the Muslim imams and the Islamic scholars omnipresent not to off the cuff the potential to regulation Muslims about the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the high importance of Huqooq-ul-Ibad in Ramadan to let somebody have temporarily to definitive the desire figment of the imagination Pakistanis and others are are meat subjected to. Related Links:Haq's MusingsThe Prophet I InstructIs Ramadan Spot on a Words From Work?Does Nawaz Sharif Spell a Trade in Terrorism Strategy?Obama Hosts Iftar Buffet at Snowy ShelveAmerican Muslim Certainty TV Breaks Stereotypes
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Respecting Rights Of Fellow Humans Huqooq Ul Ibad In Ramadan
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