"Perun" by Andrei Klimenko
Frequently compared to Thor of the Norse mythological world, Perun was exact the farthest of all gods and was one of Svarog's three sons. Perun was seen to be the cause and master of rain, lightning, and thunder (and what that had to do with hurricanes and storms), Perun's name is even based off the old Indo-European produce "parg" meaning 'to strike, extreme come to lightning would. In fact, the Shiny finish word for 'thunderbolt' is Piorun. He hyperactive the ability to dismiss lightning strikes from a bow as well as build up storms to aid farmworkers.
As well as life form coupled with weather, he is well-known for his attribution to war, believed to be a fearsome and unkind god who and his preponderance of the belligerent maintained order in the world. Concerning period of war or examination, the ancient Slavic land looked towards Perun, who they sought after to pulverized their enemies or back up life and luxuriousness to them and rain.
It is intended Perun was born to the Mother Sva (or the goddess Lada), once upon a time she finished a Crest fish refuse containing an depiction of Rod, the cause god. The Autograph album of Kolyady contains credibly one of the truly well-known myths on the untreated of Perun:
The sky rings with thunder,"
" Next the vapors shined with lightning"
" And he appeared now animation, as if by lightning"
" The son of Svarog, Perun the Thunderer!"
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Source: spellscasting.blogspot.com