Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gen 5 24 Then Enoch Walked With God

Gen 5 24 Then Enoch Walked With God



[24] Then Enoch walked with God, and he was no longer here, for God took him. (CCC 2590) "Prayer is the raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God" (St. John Damascene, "De fide orth". 3, 24: PG 94, 1089C). (CCC 2591) God tirelessly calls each person to this mysterious encounter with Himself. Prayer unfolds throughout the whole history of salvation as a reciprocal call between God and man. (CCC 2569) Prayer is lived in the first place beginning with the realities of "creation". The first nine chapters of Genesis describe this relationship with God as an offering of the first-born of Abel's flock, as the invocation of the divine name at the time of Enosh, and as "walking with God" (Cf. Gen 4:4, 26; Gen 5:24). Noah's offering is pleasing to God, who blesses him and through him all creation, because his heart was upright and undivided; Noah, like Enoch before him, "walks with God" (Gen 6:9; 8:20- 9:17). This kind of prayer is lived by many righteous people in all religions. In his indefectible covenant with every living creature (Gen 9:8-16). God has always called people to prayer. But it is above all beginning with our father Abraham that prayer is revealed in the Old Testament.
