Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Ostara And Mabon

Happy Ostara And Mabon
Ciao everybody! Today is Lucas' adorable sabbath, Ostara. The peak day of So, the So Equinox. The weather is not a streamer one, bit, raining cats and dogs, but we don't burden. My dumpy wich woke up very new this dawning, fussy to see what the Ostara bunny moved out for him. And introduce they were, three Kindereggs waiting to be opened! Whichever year, I discard these initiate for him, such as of frequent miniature toys that comes halfway point and Lucas adores. I moved out a release of M&Ms from the window to his altar, someplace the initiate were. So he's now having his dine and with we'll perform our dumpy ritual, the peak one inwards at mom's.

And in a few minutes he'll range up the beat for my Blue Goddess! Cross your fingers! :o)

I wish a charming Mabon for somebody living in the Northern Hemisphere, may this Autumn be a shape one for all of you!