Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Ramdan

Happy Ramdan

On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 3:07 AM, H.IS wrote:

Ramadan Kareem.


TO: "yaadein"

SENT: Friday, July 12, 2013 1:48 PM

SUBJECT: [Yaadein Meri] Strike RAMDAN

Innumerable staff commonly don't get too conclude to religion. This is in the same way as they encounter that understanding religion and after that opinionated it is very gawky. Therefore, lacking deliberation to a great extent about declaration and accusation,

staff child maintenance acquit yourself things they virtually. Innumerable era discrimination too keeps a

feature apart from religion. The teacher of philanthropy and life with the higher-ranking religions is Islam. These days we command impart you some enthralling secrets of this religion that you maintain never heard of. Bang on this to know some enthralling things about Ramadan...Innumerable staff commonly don't get too conclude to religion. This is in the same way as they encounter that understanding religion and after that opinionated it is

very gawky. Therefore, lacking deliberation to a great extent about declaration and accusation,

staff child maintenance acquit yourself things they virtually. Innumerable era discrimination too keeps a

feature apart from religion. The teacher of philanthropy and life with the higher-ranking religions is Islam. These days we command impart you some enthralling secrets of this religion that you maintain never heard of.

WHO CELEBRATES RAMADAN? Higher than 1 billion Muslims worldwide splash Ramadan, in addition to aloof than 6 million in the Joint States. Indonesia has the largest

Muslim commune in the world, with Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and

Failure opinionated. Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America.

Whenever you like IS RAMADAN? Ramadan starts at the beginning of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Equally Islam observes a lunar calendar, the attributed

beginning occurs at every other era harshly the the human race, based on at the same time as the

semi-circular moon is creative seen. The lunar calendar is about 11 days shorter

than the huge calendar.

Whatsoever IS THE Cause OF "RAMADAN"? Ramadan is lesser from the Arabic word ar-ramad, meaning "scorched hankering," and is besides the name of the ninth month of the lunar calendar.

HOW DID RAMADAN BEGIN? In all over the place 610 A.D., a convoy merchant named Muhammad (pbuh) began traveling the depart nearby Mecca (in todays Saudi Arabia). The angel Gabriel appeared to him and told him he had been designated to deduce

the world of Allah. In the days that followed, Muhammad began sermon

and transcribing the words to the Quran (besides spelled "Koran"), the

sacred book of Islam. Muslims stake the Quran to be Gods exact articulate, recorded in the Arabic give up, and transmitted using philanthropy via Muhammad, who is considered the spill of a teach of prophets that included Adam,

Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus.

HOW IS RAMADAN CELEBRATED? Ramadan is a month of heightened feeling, a time that the doors of fantasy are cold open, and the doors of hell are bunged, and Satan is cold in chains. Muslims go using a span of frantic musing and

feeling, seeking guidance and reprieve. Muslims practice sawm, or fasting, in the field of the totality month. This method they may eat or despondent emptiness, in addition to water, in the role of the sun shines. Marital adults besides refrain from wedding people in the field of the

hours of fasting (i.e. the period hours). Last duties introduce five essay prayers and the unfolding of the Taraweeh prayer, or Obscurity prayer. At mosques in the field of Ramadan, about one-thirtieth of the Quran is recited in prayers called tarawih. By the

end of Ramadan, the totality Quran has been recited.

WHY DO MUSLIMS Hurried During RAMADAN? Fasting is one of the Five Pillars (duties) of Islam. The Quran says that the middle fight trailing fasting is to rung taqwa, or

God-consciousness. In the function of they are starving and desiccate, Muslims are

reminded of the painful of the pathetic. Fasting is besides an try to

practice management and to sluice the fabricate and soul. In the Muslim world, best restaurants are bunged in the field of the period hours in the field of Ramadan. Families get up early for suhoor, a banquet eaten next to the sun rises. Once upon a time the sun sets, the fast is sporadic with a banquet

recognizable as iftar which universally includes dates, up to date fruits, appetizers,

beverages and feast. All Muslims partake in the nation and celebration of Ramadan, starting at all over the place age 12. Exceptions introduce men and women who are too old to fast, those who are too ill, women in the advanced stages

of pregnancy, and women who are menstruating.

Whatsoever DOES THE QURAN SAY On the subject of RAMADAN? "The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Quran was sent down, a guidance for mankind, put into words proofs for the guidance, the Criterion; so whoever amongst you witnesses this month, let him fast it." (Surah

al-Baqarah 2:185
) The hadith, a pile of the sayings of Muhammad, recommends the following:

* Notice the Quran.

* Come into being together for this mind.

* Get the message your bring to mind of the Quran.

* Growth your unfolding of the Quran.

HOW AND Whenever you like DOES RAMADAN END? Ramadan ends with the carnival of Eid al-Fitr, which in 2004 command occur on Nov. 13. Without favoritism the "Cavalcade of Rupture the Hurried," Eid al-Fitr is one of the two best towering Islamic carousing (the other

occurs a long time ago the Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca
). At Eid al-Fitr staff

dress in their most excellent clothes, exaggerate their homes with lights and

garland, stage treats to children, and receive visits with friends and

family. At the end of Ramadan, Muslims stage Zakat al Fitr, a fiscal

donation to the pathetic or their mosques.

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