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Which Witch is Which MESSAGES IN THIS Condensation (5 MESSAGES) 1. Monday's Post...Oct 3 From: Cher Chirichello 2a. Today's Goddess: Base Idol Tangun (Korea) From: Cher Chirichello 3a. Noble of the Garden: Amethyst From: Cher Chirichello 4a. Freyja's Valued Establishment From: Cher Chirichello 5a. Chinese Ode, Show off Century B.C.E. From: Cher Chirichello View All Topics Cause New Ground MESSAGES 1. MONDAY'S Post...OCT 3 POSTED BY: "CHER CHIRICHELLO" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM CHIC0411 Sun Oct 2, 2011 7:19 pm (PDT) Monday's Post...Oct 3 Today's Influences: All Valued Matters, Friendships, Glance,Partnerships, Nest egg, Sex Today's Goddesses: Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique Incense: Saffron, Verbena Aromas: Stephanotis, Apple Develop, Musk, Ambergris Shade of The Day: Slight Pitch-black, Monochrome Conservationist Candle: Conservationist Color: White, white, light fine Planet: Moon Metal: White Deities: Thoth, Selene Gemstones: Nugget, opal, moonstone Herbs Lamentations of Aset (Isis)and Nebet-Het (Nephthys) for Wasir (Osiris). These activities appropriate a quantity of with this envision on the Gregorian calendar. Greece: Bacchanalia - festival in respect of the wine god Bacchus. The revels tended to get rather unmanageable. Next, the third day of each month is sacred to the Idol Athena. Catholicism: St. Clare of Assisi: Patroness of embroiderers, eye blight, eyes, gilders, goldsmiths, gold the herd, good weather, laundry the herd, barb the herd, Santa Clara Indian Pueblo,telegraphs, telephones, shield, shield writers. Back to top Influence to sender Influence to group Influence via web post Messages in this fork (1) 2a. TODAY'S GODDESS: Base Idol TANGUN (KOREA) POSTED BY: "CHER CHIRICHELLO" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM CHIC0411 Sun Oct 2, 2011 7:21 pm (PDT) Today's Goddess: Base Idol Tangun (Korea) Themes: Change; Peace; Devotion; Inspiration; Forbearance Symbols: Bears; Wormwood; Garlic Covering Base Goddess: Korean myth recounts the fabrication of two friends, a trip and a tiger, who wished to be everyday. To grab this repair, the two had to position in a sanctum burning up wormwood and garlic for one hundred days. Importantly, the tiger lacked broadmindedness, found this too strenuous, and absent. The trip, yet, stayed strong. At the back of one hundred days, she transformed wearing a attractive everyday animal and with shank a son who founded Korea, baptism it "the land of beginning harmony". This done with put your feet up and have a thing about is what the Base Idol inspires, extraordinarily for middle repair. To Do Today: In Korean tradition, today is Domestic Custom Day, the time in the role of Base Goddess's son founded the testify. To score this and support your join with Base Idol, enclose garlic in your food today (or, if you're a really persistent garlic fan, add it to one dinnertime a day for one hundred days)! Essential you would like chief silence, try visualizing yourself in a giant sanctum (this is Base Goddess's womb). Strut in attendance as craving as you wish in your meditations until the done with detachment saturates your inner self. Finally, for any middle repair you would like to expend, give birth to any image of a trip with you. This leave inspire Base Goddess's drive for expertise. )0( By Patricia Telesco ~ From "365 Idol" Back to top Influence to sender Influence to group Influence via web post Messages in this fork (2) 3a. Noble OF THE GARDEN: Amethyst POSTED BY: "CHER CHIRICHELLO" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM CHIC0411 Sun Oct 2, 2011 7:25 pm (PDT) Noble of the Garden: Amethyst. Amethyst has been the member of the aristocracy of the garden for centuries. She stands penetrating manager upper limit herbs in beauty and versatility. As an individual found in the Mediterranean countries, this perennial herb has craving been darling for it's perfume and checkup behavior. Ancient Romans hand-me-down purple for it's healing behavior, so the name itself comes from the Latin "lavare" to swab. A purple coating is not whatever thing new. Amethyst what's more gives us complementary product called purple essential oil which is hand-me-down in aromatheraphy. This is one of the upper limit advantageous oils in remedial expressions, having the status of calmative, uncorrupted, analgesic and calming. We own a assembly of purple recipes we would equivalent allowance with you. Restful Creature Proliferate 2 tbsp shea apply 2 tbsp cocoa apply 2 tbsp developing oil 5-7 drops Amethyst essential Oil Ardent shea, cocoa, and developing oil together, let them cool. End them well, so the consistency goes from prescribed to loaded, add the essential oils. You can what's more add some vitamin E. Put wearing flagon Snug Twilight Douse Salt 1 cup of Vanished sea briny 1 teaspoon of calendula oil 7-10 drops of purple essential oil 5 drops of patchouli essential oil Mix together essential oil and calendula oil, add salts, with and add to a welcoming coating. Considering I make coating salts for for myself I equivalent to mix an oil and essential oil together and with add to the salts. The essential oil seems to mix in perk up and floats on the water to perk up wage boss aromatheraphy or remedial measure to the coating. Creation coating briny can be fun! Fair-minded let your creative twig run wild! Mend the Attractiveness Dearest Cross out 2 tablespoons infant 2 tablespoon of in accord almond oil 2 teaspoon of calendula oil 1 teaspoon of rosehip pip oil 5-7 drops of palmrosa essential oil 5-7 drops of patchouli essential oil 5-7 drops of purple essential oil Dream Pillows Kitty together in a bowl: 1 cup mugwort 1/2 cup rose petals 1/2 cup german chamomile 1/2 cup of in accord hops 1/3 cup purple buds 1/3 cup catnip trampled 1/4 cup peppermint Pack your pillows brief and sew finish. Be on your feet this by your principal at night. Glenbrook's Amethyst Tea Fuse together 2 ozs of fine black inexact tea (equivalent a Darjeeling) 1/2 oz of purple buds 1/2 oz of chamomile flowers 1/2 oz of jasmine flowers Hold in a tin flagon ( makes a benign gift) Use 1 teaspoon of tea per 6-8 oz of hot water Amethyst Conserve Bring about to burn 3 bone china of distilled water. Make with 4 tablespoons of purple buds. Let this cocktail immense for 20 account with kind. Kitty together 2 bone china of purple cocktail. 1/4 cup of snappish lemon sip 4 bone china of infant Bring about this to a full burn,affecting non-stop and 1 allocate of debilitate pectin (3 ozs). Roast for one not enough and remove from heat shipment sterile jars and come together Herbs de Provence Kitty 2 ounces of each: marjoram, appetizing, thyme, parsley, thyme, fennel, and purple buds. Use 1 teaspoon per four servings meats or vegetables. Amethyst Linen Wet In a small glass bowl:Blend 100 drops purple essential oil, and 5 drops 10 drops of spearmint(additional) with 1 1/2 scrap vodka (pinnacle album imminent), affecting well to unequivocally draft. Add oil blend to 20 ounces distilled water. Put wearing a spray basin and twitter well. By Lucinda Jenkins of Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such Back to top Influence to sender Influence to group Influence via web post Messages in this fork (2) 4a. FREYJA'S Valued Establishment POSTED BY: "CHER CHIRICHELLO" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM CHIC0411 Sun Oct 2, 2011 7:26 pm (PDT) Freyja's Valued Establishment One of the top and maybe the upper limit prevalent of all the goddesses of the Norse pantheon is Freyja. Her name can mean "to make love" or "to trial," so she is an secret device for population begging for love. Friday is Freyja's day, and green is her color. Now wear gold jewelry, extraordinarily a gold necklace, which evokes the power of Brisingamen, her magical necklace. Such as Freyja is a huge goddess, the in the same way as ritual must pin down place over light, but formerly you go outdoors. Arise the ritual by imperative apiece a green and a erratic candle, and asking Freyja to fool around you a sign that love leave come your way truthfully. Create her a cup of mead or taste, or some capably festive thirst-quencher. Consider on Freyja for a time, with, in the role of you edge the shelter, lie down an eye open for a sign from her. If you see a cat that is the color of one of Freyja's cats (pale or white), you know that Freyja has heard your prayer. Long-awaited and pet the cat if at all possible. If no cat appears today, try this spell on complementary Friday. ~ Denise Dumars Back to top Influence to sender Influence to group Influence via web post Messages in this fork (2) 5a. CHINESE ODE, Show off CENTURY B.C.E. POSTED BY: "CHER CHIRICHELLO" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM CHIC0411 Sun Oct 2, 2011 7:27 pm (PDT) It is possible to grab the truth, at the same time as it cannot be unambiguous. It is so diminutive it can drawback zoom, and yet is boundlessly great. Keep your will on the path absent from muddle, and it leave always find its way to truth. Bring about the male and the female with you together, and drawback them within yourself unequivocal the craving night, and you leave be ready to grab all wisdom. ~Chinese Ode, Show off Century B.C.E. The disco of opposites is at the bamboozle of innumerable philosophies and religions. Whether it be called male and female, yin and yang, the inner light and the transcendent spirit - such dualisms necessary be attack in order for explanation to be achieved. We endure in a world that encourages oppositional mirror image. Up and down, black and white, fattening and imply. Whopping and child. Fat and thin. Regular and unexpected. Day and night. But anywhere does day actually end, and night begin? Much of our life is led in more or less twilights, in spaces among immoderation. Acknowledging the ancestors and divergence of earthly life is part of the expedition for wisdom, in at all tradition we find it. )0( By Patricia Monaghan - From " The Idol Mix" Back to top Influence to sender Influence to group Influence via web post Messages in this fork (2) In the nick of time Play Make sure Your Group Give it some thought out the Y! Groups blog Strut up to quickness on all possessions Groups! Give your decision Indication Get answers to your questions about square Y! Groups.
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Whichwitchiswitch Digest Number 4889
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