(Comp 538) The prayer of the People of God mature in the shadow of the room place of God - the Ark of the Union, hence the Holy place - under the command of their shepherds. Among them stage was David, the King "at the back God's own nub," the shepherd who prayed for his ancestors. His prayer was a model for the prayer of the ancestors because it twisted clinging to the divine promise and a mingle inclusive with love for the One who is the only King and Lord. "IN Quick" (CCC 2594) The prayer of the People of God flourished in the shadow of the room place of God's manifestation on earth, the ark of the transaction and the Holy place, under the command of their shepherds, especially King David, and of the prophets. TO Make stronger AND Run by (CCC 2578) The prayer of the People of God flourishes in the shadow of God's room place, primary the ark of the transaction and complex the Holy place. At primary the leaders of the ancestors - the shepherds and the prophets - teach them to pray. The darling Samuel prerequisite take pleasure in learned from his mother Hannah how "to stand in the Lord" and from the priest Eli how to chill out to his word: "Discourse, Lord, for your servant is listening" (1 Sam 3:9-10; cf. 1:9-18). Next, he motion moreover know the penalty and survey of intercession: "Excessively, as for me, far be it from me that I requisite sin versus the Lord by ceasing to pray for you; and I motion validate you in the good and the defensible way" (1 Sam 12:23). (CCC 2579) David is par merit the king "at the back God's own nub," the shepherd who prays for his ancestors and prays in their name. His admission to the motion of God, his approval, and his remorse, motion be a model for the prayer of the ancestors. His prayer, the prayer of God's Anointed, is a secretive observation to the divine promise and expresses a nearby and wispy mingle in God, the only King and Lord (Cf. 2 Sam 7:18-29). In the Psalms David, expressive by the Fantastic Phantom, is the primary analyst of Jewish and Christian prayer. The prayer of Christ, the true Messiah and Son of David, motion reveal and persuade the meaning of this prayer. Reflection (CCC 2580) The Holy place of Jerusalem, the mother country of prayer that David desirable to build, motion be the work of his son, Solomon. The prayer at the dedication of the Holy place relies on God's promise and transaction, on the source of revenue manifestation of his name in the course of his People, recalling his great activities at the Exodus (1 Kings 8:10-61). The king lifts his hands toward illusion and begs the Lord, on his own behalf, on behalf of the distinguished ancestors, and of the generations yet to come, for the liberty of their sins and for their newspaper requests, so that the nations may know that He is the only God and that the nub of his ancestors may belong completely and completely to him.
"(Neighboring QUESTION: Having the status of IS THE Split OF Prayer IN THE Occupation OF THE PROPHETS?)"