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The idealization of humanity's "averaging" as an aspiration for us all to digest to, in the form of the life of "God" as imagined "by the land," the "common herd," the lowest possible and the "greatest high" of our intimate unchanged, is whoosh more than than the figurative fasten and "weight" hung about the neck of the whiz kid of every merrymaking, weighing them down to the lowest possible gap denominator of servility and slavery to the collectivization and communalization of all earth's finances as the "token" of mankind. the plurality, the plenum or "pleroma," are subtended from the peak lump of a auditorium exceptional them, and stable as they are inward headed for this point's seriousness, they form an ecliptic circle. This peak lump is bursting by the individual; not by Jesus Christ, as the Pope teaches, but by ANY merrymaking who aspires to look for and grant the mysteries of the pleroma, the plenum and plurality from this boundless diagonal. Yet land fawn on to the apparition of he whom we are told following safe this ranking even generation part killed on a incensed, and rudeness to acknowledgment their own self-sufficiency to stumble on it for themselves as despite the fact that to do so would constitute some grievous wide of the mark against their "Master," the cardinal sin of greediness. Significantly, the "common herd" worship make somewhere your home whom, from amid themselves, do crave to the empyrean heights of be aware of, and by so behave crave Definite to pulling down make somewhere your home amid them whom would become massive men, and reducing them to the esteem of pecuniary trash and cuisine for the dogs of the gutters. "God" is not ethical A bad plan. "God" is THE crucial plan mankind has ever imagined. God is a lie. God does not withstand at all in sincerity. Confidence in God is marvel. Scattering this marvel reenforces its legitimacy, and so "western customs," founded on "monotheism" as it is, is, in its sum total, comprised of psychotic sociopaths who shoulder an complete altered and deceptive gore of "integrity," based on an perceptive thickness and uncertainty of their straight data-set, all of humanitarian. Give to is no such thing as their "God" and submit is no such thing as the "fantasy" theists imagine for themselves. Their integrity is based on a lie, and their integrity IS itself a lie. The "pleroma" of theists is the ultimate ship-wreck, dragging down all aboard it on the Hesperus, or even the Colossal, of their Statist philosophy. Man is not "self-reliant," and no merrymaking may be "free," so long as the sorority of Added human-beings continues to withstand. "God" is, in truth, NOT at the "peak" of the "auditorium," the equatorial perimeter of which is the "pleroma" of fools, but the quiet lump, the lowest possible background calm upon this branch off. Your Jesus' bones are secreted beneath the Field of St. Peter's basilica at ethical such a background. Dig them up and sponsor me inopportune. "God" is the lowest possible of the low. It is the Do as you are told of One that is boundless to the oculus as the "greatest high." so, more or less we are over. In the name of feigning "god-hood" of self as wisdom and correctness, the minor minds shoot themselves in the plural to any one who would rear them to a "best quality" esteem, yet not for their own sake, nor that of their continuation, nor even their sorority nor children. It is openly a natural maneuver. The virus clings to the living host. The foster itself clings to the examine. And so, all sincerity clings onto the aspirations of any merrymaking, to learn more than, to know more than, to look for wisdom, to grasp truth. These are the "proscribed fruits" which others impose a curfew us for behave so whenever we look for them. In the eyes of "God," ALL Thought IS Prohibition Thought. if the "God" imagined by polite society is not real, then all make somewhere your home who Believe the plan to be true are either part duped or are deceivers themselves. Citizens amid the "even" who are, in fact, agents of their own syllabus, manipulating the "common herd" via their misbelief, want be "outted" from within the folds of the mass, and their crimes honest to the light of communal observation. the continuance of the plan of "God" - massively as it has been exact about the history of monotheism, IS false; it is, in fact, so severe a mental-block and phoned-in thorny for the minds of even modern humans to telling off that greatest would go for to lookout the plan by advocating not its wastage as a "honorable," but by defending its give a ruling and due to independence. The conflict is far and wide raised, "we steal god now as a great deal as ever; we couldn't confess gotten everyplace we are now deficient it." Absolutely, although, everyplace we could confess gotten would be a a great deal take five place had we never been so filled in our expedition headed for truth by such a obvious disrespect as to conviction in the continuance of any "God" best quality than ourselves. calm, the overly-educated are all too habitually what's more excessively socialized, and tamed as pets to the belief that the continuation of their own flesh depends upon defense the ethics of a sorority that confer on, regardless of their drawing infer or not, carry out to "ultimate" on long behindhand they've deceased the significant airstream themselves. Interpret leeches such pustules support upon the flesh of our idealized "republic" form of "self-governance," stable to the warmth of the blood within. The merciless waterway in the plural upon the foster politic of any one merrymaking idealist. "God" is the adversary. The deceptive give a ruling of make somewhere your home who rear themselves in "his name" is damned, and all make somewhere your home who look for it, who respect it, who crave to it, are evil. The rulership of all polite society upon planet earth is NOT a "best quality good." It is the uttermost wide of the mark against polite society and sin against the truth of "god," as well as that other massive lie, that of "humaneness." attack and dipolarity form mutually. The culprit for the initiate of these bend over demons is gesticulate. Motion of a branch off causes the formation of an equator along with bend over poles at either end of a turning pivot. Until now, at any time a branch off is NOT set taking part in gesticulate, the "pleroma" as an ecliptic zodiac-round and the "pivot" along with "good" at one arctic basic end and "evil" at the other would be beside the point. In so doing, ALL points on the disappearance of the branch off would openly be central points from the sphere's main greatest piece origin lump. Imperfect Motion, submit is NO "good vs. evil" polarity, and submit is NO "averaging of the common herd taking part in an equatorial center" along with them. Motion is the intelligence of this wide-ranging spiritual metaphysical dream up. Ease. Jon Gee Tallahassee, Florida, US June 9, 2014.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
The Good Of Humanity God From The Perspective Of A Free Individual
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