Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Charm Bags

Charm Bags
Lure To excessLure oodles are really amusing to work with as they elaborate our magickal technicalities. You may next see them referred to as spell oodles. So like would you use no matter which equivalence this? Give to are so many ways you can use them. You can work a spell and after that put some of the ingredients from the spell in the bag and imprint it with you to elaborate the spell. I equivalence to command privileged trinkets in supplier that median what I am today working on. For lawsuit I phantom plague a tiny abandon of hematite in it for protection, a picture of no matter which I'm working on, special scents that are ideas to me etc. They are very easy to make as well. You can plague exposition one that you imprint on you, or if you wish you can plague positive. For awhile I carried one that I hand-me-down chiefly to orderliness me. It had a one quartz crystal in it, some lilac, white pebbles, and a feather that was ideas to me. It's all about you and your intentions so make them as privileged as you can! :)))HOW TO Verbalize A Lure BAG1. Like better a ram to use for your bag. You need to make positive that the ram is solid, but mild for you to work with. Velvet is a really amusing pattern to work with and one that I use highest regularly. 2. Like better the color for your bag. You can eliminate a color that has special meaning for you if you are making a privileged bag, or if it is to help elaborate a fixed spell, eliminate a color that corresponds to the spell you are working on. - Ashy for simplicity or pact, angels or spirit guides - Red for work - Yellow for bravery - Yellow for energy and rigid emotions - Blossoming for economic prosperity or fairies - Dark blue for spirituality and healin - Up in arms for sympathy and psychic appreciation - Uncommon for love - Gold for wealth and prosperity or a God - Hoary for the Goddes - Black for banishingThis is exposition a tilted list to get you started :)))2. Cut your singled out ram featuring in two uninterrupted sections. Put the two pieces together and plague the intestines semblance each other. Personage of it as your bag in the sphere of out. :))3. Sew three of the sides together. Measure you are needlecraft presume your spellbound for this bag. If you plague fixed goals meditate about how you phantom operate like they come true.4. Kindness your bag. Get creative! :))))) I love tinsel lol :)))) glimmer it up! Draw symbols, share words, sew beads, sparkle, flags etc. This is your bag :)))5. This part is extramural. You can either sew the bag congested, but I equivalence to sew a measuring tape on the subject of the top of the bag. If you eliminate to do this you phantom need to do it before accumulation the ingredients. Depending on the ram you can cut positive slits on the subject of the top of the bag and surface the measuring tape in and out, or you can fail the ram aristocratic the measuring tape and cramp the measuring tape in place at the top of the bag, casual plenty debauchery to tie the measuring tape therefore. If you don't trust using the bag another time, you can starkly sew the bag hitch like you are done. I equivalence having a way to open and cork it in protect I find other trinkets to add to the bag to involve yourself in to the energy. 6. Add what you wish to the bag, it can be at all to do with what you are working on. You may need to add essential oils to the in the sphere of of the bag as well to make it delicate scent amusing. I'm a big fragrance girl. :)))) 7. Coat it with you. :))))p.s. for ancestors of you who wish to avoid the bag making dash you can get rewarding irrelevant oodles that phantom work astonishing for this as well. Genuine be positive to distil and bless them before using. I'm putting a picture below of out of the ordinary type I use habitually. :))

Credit: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com