"Tears are not fondness in a person, nor everything one be required to be base of,"they are from a person who has the makeup, bravery and candor"to be in segment with their true self."
"- Jasmeine Moonsong"
Brisk Connect with and Kind Morning :)))) Brightest Blessings to you and yours for a magickal day today. Now is Thursday, May 10, 2012. Thursdays are ruled by Jupiter, the lair that signifies mount and blight. Thursdays are very strong days to work on issues of mount, money, prosperity and sympathy. Try is in your honor on this day. If you are working with stones today tool to wear sapphire, cat's eye, or carnelian, for protection.
Tonight's Moon Deteriorate third vicinity in Capricorn. The Deteriorate Moon is a time for study, meditation, and small magickal work stop magick said to banish poisonous energies. The Deteriorate Moon represents the Idol in her Crone aspect. It's a time to sanctify the wisdom gained finished life. The Moon in Capricorn go through strong support. The unswerving is on traditions, everyday jobs, and obligations. It's a good time to set boundaries and policy. The magickal color of the day is Turquoise, and the incense of the day is Apricot. :)))) Bear an extraordinarily magickal day! :)))