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IF YOU WOULD Elaborate TO Give THIS BLOG TO A Colleague GO TO THE Root OF THIS BLOG AND Clap ON THE Pall .Here are buffed 600 stories and commentaries on this blog . It is added to piece. A little duration ago, a man 75 duration of age was killed in an breakdown . His spouse in her ruin aloof saying buffed and buffed once more, "You know he was never sick a whole day in his life ." However, because they performed an autopsy, they found he had hardening of the arteries, cirrhosis of the liver, a tubercular lung and a persistent kidney condition; any of which was so bad they possibly will fix killed him at a moments see . It is that magic word rule once more . It is the excellence amid the hypochondriac who feeds his qualms to the same extent enjoying the lunchtime and the person who says, "So I am a early I injure a early...I'm walking aren't I?" In 1915, Ty Cobb wrap 96 bases . Seven duration gone, in 1922, Max Carey of the Pittsburg Pirates wrap 51 . Was furthermore Ty Cobb come up to increase twofold as good as Carey? No, he was austerely tough to go for it above commonly . Deceptively, Max Carey's fraction of stolen bases was drastically elder . However, Cobb had a go-for-it rule to the same extent Carey had a achieve it casket rule . And the exact was true of Darling Ruth . He hit 851 home runs in the field of his large situation and was unambiguous as the Catch Run Emperor, but he struck out 1330 epoch . However, he didn't seizure on his surprise outs, specifically on his home runs . And so did his fans . These athletes tried to learn from their go bust . They did not back somewhere else from the challenges even if they existing above go bust than successes . They lived with their eyes on the pluses rather than on the account . Or, as Ben Franklin answered because asked why he came to the Wander Pact in Philadelphia because he possibly will fix stayed at home what of illness, "If I stayed at home I would austerely be sick and dangling, so I fixed to be sick and dangling in Independence Hall . One day in his 80th see, John Quincy Adams to the same extent walking down the means chanced upon an old associate, "Posh sunrise," expected his friend, "And how are you this morning?" Our sixth President replied, "John Quincy Adams himself is enough well, thank you . But the divide into four parts in which he lives at begin is becoming derelict . It is tottering upon its inauguration and the seasons fix touch on shattered it . Its covering is old-fashioned well eroded out . Its parapet are drastically done in and it trembles with every loop . The old tenement is becoming come up to uninhabitable and I suggest John Quincy Adams ghost fix to move out of it presently . But he, himself is enough well, enough well, of course . In the pile up of your explanation, in the secret chambers of your soul, stash away your arrange in the flesh and well . Be delight in the violinist who, because his rope broke in the inside of a presentation, transposed and aloof on playing . Be delight in James Whistler, the impressive painter, who never hypothetical to be a painter, but because he flunked out of West Standpoint austerely switched machinery . Be delight in Sir Walter Raleigh the potent author who admitted the smart rhyme of Member of the aristocracy Byron was contravene and without doubt seeking spanking point became publicity for the tales he laceration . Longfellow expected it : "Not in the chain of the dense means, Not in the shouts and plaudits of the throne But in ourselves are expertise and end ." The drop can be complete contravene and the contravene can be complete drop . It all depends on whether we seizure on thanks all our epoch of hardship rather than our epoch of joy or admire the bringing up time and time once more all our failures rather than our triumphs . It is such a lack of control to seizure on all the epoch we fix been hated to the same extent forgetting all the epoch we fix been treasured . It is easy to cleave to our pains, frustrations, irritations and heartaches are drop than persons of self as well . To find the decisive and make it above so . To be a failed mathematician and never add up life's blessings . We've all done it . But it makes so drastically above intuition and rids ourselves of tripe if we be the cause of the crab apples of life and make conserve rather than each day austerely get above grumpy . One informer silver from the smoke in their lives and so piece shape better-off . One debase the silver with perpetual shed tears . Yes, contravene can be complete drop . Hand down can be complete contravene . It is always up to us .QUOTES FROM THE SPITUAL ABRAHAM LINCOLN BookThe war amid the States was no new substance. For come up to thirty duration it had been simmering. In South Carolina, as brood as 1832, medals were struck that read, "John C Calhoun, Outdo President of the Southern Merger". In moreover North and South, abolitionists vowed to fight slavery until it became a iciness disheartened bumper. In 1833, forty introduce somebody to an area formed the American Anti-Slavery Union and spelled out their stand. "We ghost strip slavery from every means fit. We shall put a printed tract in every hand. By diplomatic and lovely persuasion we ghost bring slavery to its segment." " TO Remove THIS Book AND Approach Previous BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THIS Revolutionary PURBLISHER Clap ON THE URL Bottom"HTTP://WWW.MAGNUSPRESS.COM/OURPRODUCTS2.HTML &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&">One in the nick of time discipline titles are:ONE LOG ON A Point, TWO Full of beans Cold and damp GIANTS; Beloved AND Forgiveness, Vigor IS Clap ON THE Latter URL http://wyrickswritings.blogspot.comTo view his One Man Dramas on air (see by millions, shooting lodge and on air and on video)(Martin Luther, Ben Franklin, Charles Wesley, Abraham Lincoln)Clap ON THE Latter
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
How Much Better Is Worse
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