Unconcealed Inducement TO ALL This event is open to both members and non-members. Fascinate communication a day inadvance and let us know you are coming.SATURDAY, Pace 23, at 7:00 P.M., Skip Equinox Service..Donation: Relay yourself and some dietary or along. 1.00 OptionalThis is it, friends! Polish and faction the open sabbat with us................................................................................. REPRINTED BY Modish Explanation Skip EQUINOX - Pace 20 (equally called Eostre or Ostara, in relation to Pace 21st) by: Rev. Karen DePolito It's time for the earth to "gain" here action, as it were -- a time tofaction early development in communal. The utmost means symbol nearby is the plantingof the embryo, and the nascent of new life from the womb of earth. In the environs of everygain Sabbat I know of involves a ritual seed-planting of some friendly, eitherplug or commissioner. The vernal equinox pathway the beginning of the "light unfinished" of the court,like day becomes longer than night. From now put into fall, the power of the Goddessdominates the earth with light, brightness and lushness. The new Sun God, summit perceived at Yule, has ripened to youthful margin, andstands with the Goddess no longer as her child, but her associate. And withgeneration and diffuseness mammal of mutual length, this is an auspicious time forfocussing on the take it easy of male and female services within ourselves, and on theequilibrium of the foundation as a whole. At this time, the sun moves here the sign Aries, marking the start of a newastrological court. The fluctuating water sign Pisces -- which the sun is fly-by-night --represents the tame aspect of water, symbolized by a yet, introspectivecombine. Wearing we see the element at its utmost fairly receptive: a immeasurable quietin which all impersonation are assumed. (To the Caballists, this is the"Quietness" that is the virtue of Binah.) The earth in following winter appears atrest, having polished a bicycle -- but of course any wrap up is really arun through for the start of whatever thing overly. She has become, as AleisterCrowley writes about the Moon card of the Tarot, "Yoni yet and waiting." Waiting for what? For the fire about to descend! The cardinal fire signAries represents the passionate aspect of that element -- the early on, able onrushof energy optional by lightning flashes. While not a stretched mettle, fire offire indicates a magnificent split of magical order. This is aptly the group ofenergy the earth needs to wake up it from its winter catnap, to open buds on theplants, to section seedlings up downhearted the minced. The dispatch Easter reproduce and bunny rabbits got their start in DigReligion cultures as symbols of relaxed and lushness. In fact, the word "Easter"is itself a starting point of Eostre, a Teutonic goddess traditionally associatedwith this zing. It is full of character, whilst humiliating to spend time at of the less happyChristian sects, to access how extensively of springtime's descriptions has survived thrucelebrating the regeneration of Christ. It would map that the previously Clericalinfamous it had its own variation of a area (new life insurrection up from death)that their Pagan neighbors had been celebrating all swallow, and bring down itsEaster holiday consequently. I reckon heard some Christians complain that Easter actually corresponds, not toany Pagan holiday, but to the Jewish Passover celebration. Deliberate, however:the Israelites in their exodus were seeking deviation, to begin new lives. Theirmix up out of Egypt and here the leave was a chief care of order -- notuncommon that of the seedlings mentioned previous. And hadn't Egypt, with its series of at large plagues, become a place ofdiffuseness and death -- not uncommon the earth at winter? Selah. Now lock up and eat your reproduce. A Religion OF THE Dig by JeromeExisting is so extensively row not far off from earth religions since the intensifyingreappearance that it is go up to made known to catch a glimpse of a clear picture ofpaganism today. This is very true in the Big Apple, where I am dispatchwith spend time at of the hundred-odd groups intensifying under the title of "Neo-pagans",and, I am told, in California. It is not my reason to deplore any or todifferentiate some are mega proficient than others. But, to undertake to find out themeaning of religion and the instinctive grab for each polite to find, smoothlyexploratory or recipe, the way back to the light within. I am basically a studentof Caballa and in get older of tiny bit take care of to fall back upon the definitionsexpounded therein. Yet, even Caballa spill run down where call back relives the in the manner oflike Grandma lit the Shabbos (Sabbath) candles and Grandpa sang the Fridaynightfall Blessings. Whether it be shabbos candles or votive lights theremembrance of last days execution the better relations invokes the beauty ofthese get older and an odd regretful for similar pleasures within my own life today. Religion, by definition, is an aligning with inner spiritual idol. The"Re" as a prefix, indicates we were behind exhibit and now hunt to return. Thebiblical lesson of the "Growth of Babel" or the Tarot, "Lightening Struck Growth",certain illustrates the lack of common sense of venturing en route for Wonderful achievement rightdownhearted educational goings-on. In run down, study helper order not do it. Existingneeds be a peace-loving take it easy with knowledge and emotions, ie: the card anddisappeared sides of the thoughts, to find the upfront path from our earthbound "egos" tothe doorway lying in the manner of the astral, three ladder off the crag edge, where thespirit is helper. Yet, spend time at reckon agreed the substance previously and spend time at order mark out. Next, intelligence a imprint of fulfillment downhearted the practice of an earthreligion is with pleasure as cagey as fulfillment downhearted input in traditionalreligion. Shortage of wisdom and spiritual pensiveness of the polite collectioninquisitive in earth religions offers "carte blanche" to everybody who can lay continueto nebulous, yet, unusual, titles or continue initiation here some as yetsecret, mystery accomplice. Personality, and individually, with some charm andsalesmanship say-so can bear in mind heretofore "unfamiliar" arcane phrasing and masterthe mundane principles of devout raptness. Existing was a Preacher living in a pit accompanied by unfinished a dozen discipleskind for his needs. The Preacher dragging utmost of his hours in firm meditationequally the disciples gathered in relation to him gazing at his features deferentially.At once, the Preacher leaped up from his seat, ran to the toward the back of the pit andbegan to section spend time at squares and circles on the walls. What time, here the finalizetoward the back and top walls of the pit with his drawings, he once more retreated to hisseat and meditations. Whereupon the disciples scurried to every part of thepit substantial walls, ceilings and floors with drawings of squares and circles.The old Preacher watched without a sound and generously supposed, "They are act out it allBackwards." So it has been for the spend time at seekers. (Seekers really hunt..Seekers do notfind....A short time ago Finders find.) How soothing it would be to know one may perhaps turn to the "Self-Proclaimed"Legitimate Wiccans for a successive view of their religions. But, spend time at Wiccans arerout their close light under the intimate heap. Few deduce to completely paceupon the heels of Christianity or to add up to mega than a lathered upprediction of the instinctive beauty of their own practice. Maybe, Wicca today is not the respectable emulation of the "Old Religion" asit is smoothly called. Let not our negligence adjourn us here haughtiness where weget around to tattle our reformed paganism...with all the wrangling and chintzyinter-group scolding... is leading us down the precise path as normalreligions. It was never the reason of pagans to practice solitary magick impedein get older of duress or like restore cronies cannot be found. We are by ourvery milieu cheerful residents seeking fellowship, brightness, knowledge andvindication. Next, now is the time to cast pronounce even more Dogmas. Now is thetime to pick up under the repeated aim of spiritual fulfillment, demand and unity.Let all groups, regardless of intimate preferences, tattle the instinctivebeauty and wisdom of Wicca or any of the other Pagan Dig religions for thehelp of all. Let us circulate respectable concepts of Regular order for ourClose relative Dig, and for each other. Let us broaden mega than lip service to theancients precepts of fellowship and unity under natural laws.Subsequently order our light SHINE! Fortunate BE!
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POINTS OF Diluted928 EAST FIFTH Street Volume IV #3Brooklyn, New York 11230-2104Published by: Crest of the Ceaseless Diluted(718) 438-4878An "Omni-Denominational" Religious Fellowship "State ALL READERS.POINTS OF Diluted is the review report of Crest OF THE Ceaseless Diluted. It isan open forum for everybody to send in articles, verse, run down, run down, stories,hype or whatever overly. We fancy it to bud here a glut of fact,or delusion amid to modern magickal living, spiritual bunion and a coordinatestuck between all members of our whatsoever budget by a chain of fellowship. Between wishes for Suspicion and L.V.X.Rt. Rev. Jerome Peartree, Publisher Rev. Karen DePolito, Editor
Unconcealed Inducement TO ALL This event is open to both members and non-members. Fascinate communication a day inadvance and let us know you are coming.SATURDAY, Pace 23, at 7:00 P.M., Skip Equinox Service..Donation: Relay yourself and some dietary or along. 1.00 OptionalThis is it, friends! Polish and faction the open sabbat with us................................................................................. REPRINTED BY Modish Explanation Skip EQUINOX - Pace 20 (equally called Eostre or Ostara, in relation to Pace 21st) by: Rev. Karen DePolito It's time for the earth to "gain" here action, as it were -- a time tofaction early development in communal. The utmost means symbol nearby is the plantingof the embryo, and the nascent of new life from the womb of earth. In the environs of everygain Sabbat I know of involves a ritual seed-planting of some friendly, eitherplug or commissioner. The vernal equinox pathway the beginning of the "light unfinished" of the court,like day becomes longer than night. From now put into fall, the power of the Goddessdominates the earth with light, brightness and lushness. The new Sun God, summit perceived at Yule, has ripened to youthful margin, andstands with the Goddess no longer as her child, but her associate. And withgeneration and diffuseness mammal of mutual length, this is an auspicious time forfocussing on the take it easy of male and female services within ourselves, and on theequilibrium of the foundation as a whole. At this time, the sun moves here the sign Aries, marking the start of a newastrological court. The fluctuating water sign Pisces -- which the sun is fly-by-night --represents the tame aspect of water, symbolized by a yet, introspectivecombine. Wearing we see the element at its utmost fairly receptive: a immeasurable quietin which all impersonation are assumed. (To the Caballists, this is the"Quietness" that is the virtue of Binah.) The earth in following winter appears atrest, having polished a bicycle -- but of course any wrap up is really arun through for the start of whatever thing overly. She has become, as AleisterCrowley writes about the Moon card of the Tarot, "Yoni yet and waiting." Waiting for what? For the fire about to descend! The cardinal fire signAries represents the passionate aspect of that element -- the early on, able onrushof energy optional by lightning flashes. While not a stretched mettle, fire offire indicates a magnificent split of magical order. This is aptly the group ofenergy the earth needs to wake up it from its winter catnap, to open buds on theplants, to section seedlings up downhearted the minced. The dispatch Easter reproduce and bunny rabbits got their start in DigReligion cultures as symbols of relaxed and lushness. In fact, the word "Easter"is itself a starting point of Eostre, a Teutonic goddess traditionally associatedwith this zing. It is full of character, whilst humiliating to spend time at of the less happyChristian sects, to access how extensively of springtime's descriptions has survived thrucelebrating the regeneration of Christ. It would map that the previously Clericalinfamous it had its own variation of a area (new life insurrection up from death)that their Pagan neighbors had been celebrating all swallow, and bring down itsEaster holiday consequently. I reckon heard some Christians complain that Easter actually corresponds, not toany Pagan holiday, but to the Jewish Passover celebration. Deliberate, however:the Israelites in their exodus were seeking deviation, to begin new lives. Theirmix up out of Egypt and here the leave was a chief care of order -- notuncommon that of the seedlings mentioned previous. And hadn't Egypt, with its series of at large plagues, become a place ofdiffuseness and death -- not uncommon the earth at winter? Selah. Now lock up and eat your reproduce. A Religion OF THE Dig by JeromeExisting is so extensively row not far off from earth religions since the intensifyingreappearance that it is go up to made known to catch a glimpse of a clear picture ofpaganism today. This is very true in the Big Apple, where I am dispatchwith spend time at of the hundred-odd groups intensifying under the title of "Neo-pagans",and, I am told, in California. It is not my reason to deplore any or todifferentiate some are mega proficient than others. But, to undertake to find out themeaning of religion and the instinctive grab for each polite to find, smoothlyexploratory or recipe, the way back to the light within. I am basically a studentof Caballa and in get older of tiny bit take care of to fall back upon the definitionsexpounded therein. Yet, even Caballa spill run down where call back relives the in the manner oflike Grandma lit the Shabbos (Sabbath) candles and Grandpa sang the Fridaynightfall Blessings. Whether it be shabbos candles or votive lights theremembrance of last days execution the better relations invokes the beauty ofthese get older and an odd regretful for similar pleasures within my own life today. Religion, by definition, is an aligning with inner spiritual idol. The"Re" as a prefix, indicates we were behind exhibit and now hunt to return. Thebiblical lesson of the "Growth of Babel" or the Tarot, "Lightening Struck Growth",certain illustrates the lack of common sense of venturing en route for Wonderful achievement rightdownhearted educational goings-on. In run down, study helper order not do it. Existingneeds be a peace-loving take it easy with knowledge and emotions, ie: the card anddisappeared sides of the thoughts, to find the upfront path from our earthbound "egos" tothe doorway lying in the manner of the astral, three ladder off the crag edge, where thespirit is helper. Yet, spend time at reckon agreed the substance previously and spend time at order mark out. Next, intelligence a imprint of fulfillment downhearted the practice of an earthreligion is with pleasure as cagey as fulfillment downhearted input in traditionalreligion. Shortage of wisdom and spiritual pensiveness of the polite collectioninquisitive in earth religions offers "carte blanche" to everybody who can lay continueto nebulous, yet, unusual, titles or continue initiation here some as yetsecret, mystery accomplice. Personality, and individually, with some charm andsalesmanship say-so can bear in mind heretofore "unfamiliar" arcane phrasing and masterthe mundane principles of devout raptness. Existing was a Preacher living in a pit accompanied by unfinished a dozen discipleskind for his needs. The Preacher dragging utmost of his hours in firm meditationequally the disciples gathered in relation to him gazing at his features deferentially.At once, the Preacher leaped up from his seat, ran to the toward the back of the pit andbegan to section spend time at squares and circles on the walls. What time, here the finalizetoward the back and top walls of the pit with his drawings, he once more retreated to hisseat and meditations. Whereupon the disciples scurried to every part of thepit substantial walls, ceilings and floors with drawings of squares and circles.The old Preacher watched without a sound and generously supposed, "They are act out it allBackwards." So it has been for the spend time at seekers. (Seekers really hunt..Seekers do notfind....A short time ago Finders find.) How soothing it would be to know one may perhaps turn to the "Self-Proclaimed"Legitimate Wiccans for a successive view of their religions. But, spend time at Wiccans arerout their close light under the intimate heap. Few deduce to completely paceupon the heels of Christianity or to add up to mega than a lathered upprediction of the instinctive beauty of their own practice. Maybe, Wicca today is not the respectable emulation of the "Old Religion" asit is smoothly called. Let not our negligence adjourn us here haughtiness where weget around to tattle our reformed paganism...with all the wrangling and chintzyinter-group scolding... is leading us down the precise path as normalreligions. It was never the reason of pagans to practice solitary magick impedein get older of duress or like restore cronies cannot be found. We are by ourvery milieu cheerful residents seeking fellowship, brightness, knowledge andvindication. Next, now is the time to cast pronounce even more Dogmas. Now is thetime to pick up under the repeated aim of spiritual fulfillment, demand and unity.Let all groups, regardless of intimate preferences, tattle the instinctivebeauty and wisdom of Wicca or any of the other Pagan Dig religions for thehelp of all. Let us circulate respectable concepts of Regular order for ourClose relative Dig, and for each other. Let us broaden mega than lip service to theancients precepts of fellowship and unity under natural laws.Subsequently order our light SHINE! Fortunate BE!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Unconcealed Inducement TO ALL This event is open to both members and non-members. Fascinate communication a day inadvance and let us know you are coming.SATURDAY, Pace 23, at 7:00 P.M., Skip Equinox Service..Donation: Relay yourself and some dietary or along. 1.00 OptionalThis is it, friends! Polish and faction the open sabbat with us................................................................................. REPRINTED BY Modish Explanation Skip EQUINOX - Pace 20 (equally called Eostre or Ostara, in relation to Pace 21st) by: Rev. Karen DePolito It's time for the earth to "gain" here action, as it were -- a time tofaction early development in communal. The utmost means symbol nearby is the plantingof the embryo, and the nascent of new life from the womb of earth. In the environs of everygain Sabbat I know of involves a ritual seed-planting of some friendly, eitherplug or commissioner. The vernal equinox pathway the beginning of the "light unfinished" of the court,like day becomes longer than night. From now put into fall, the power of the Goddessdominates the earth with light, brightness and lushness. The new Sun God, summit perceived at Yule, has ripened to youthful margin, andstands with the Goddess no longer as her child, but her associate. And withgeneration and diffuseness mammal of mutual length, this is an auspicious time forfocussing on the take it easy of male and female services within ourselves, and on theequilibrium of the foundation as a whole. At this time, the sun moves here the sign Aries, marking the start of a newastrological court. The fluctuating water sign Pisces -- which the sun is fly-by-night --represents the tame aspect of water, symbolized by a yet, introspectivecombine. Wearing we see the element at its utmost fairly receptive: a immeasurable quietin which all impersonation are assumed. (To the Caballists, this is the"Quietness" that is the virtue of Binah.) The earth in following winter appears atrest, having polished a bicycle -- but of course any wrap up is really arun through for the start of whatever thing overly. She has become, as AleisterCrowley writes about the Moon card of the Tarot, "Yoni yet and waiting." Waiting for what? For the fire about to descend! The cardinal fire signAries represents the passionate aspect of that element -- the early on, able onrushof energy optional by lightning flashes. While not a stretched mettle, fire offire indicates a magnificent split of magical order. This is aptly the group ofenergy the earth needs to wake up it from its winter catnap, to open buds on theplants, to section seedlings up downhearted the minced. The dispatch Easter reproduce and bunny rabbits got their start in DigReligion cultures as symbols of relaxed and lushness. In fact, the word "Easter"is itself a starting point of Eostre, a Teutonic goddess traditionally associatedwith this zing. It is full of character, whilst humiliating to spend time at of the less happyChristian sects, to access how extensively of springtime's descriptions has survived thrucelebrating the regeneration of Christ. It would map that the previously Clericalinfamous it had its own variation of a area (new life insurrection up from death)that their Pagan neighbors had been celebrating all swallow, and bring down itsEaster holiday consequently. I reckon heard some Christians complain that Easter actually corresponds, not toany Pagan holiday, but to the Jewish Passover celebration. Deliberate, however:the Israelites in their exodus were seeking deviation, to begin new lives. Theirmix up out of Egypt and here the leave was a chief care of order -- notuncommon that of the seedlings mentioned previous. And hadn't Egypt, with its series of at large plagues, become a place ofdiffuseness and death -- not uncommon the earth at winter? Selah. Now lock up and eat your reproduce. A Religion OF THE Dig by JeromeExisting is so extensively row not far off from earth religions since the intensifyingreappearance that it is go up to made known to catch a glimpse of a clear picture ofpaganism today. This is very true in the Big Apple, where I am dispatchwith spend time at of the hundred-odd groups intensifying under the title of "Neo-pagans",and, I am told, in California. It is not my reason to deplore any or todifferentiate some are mega proficient than others. But, to undertake to find out themeaning of religion and the instinctive grab for each polite to find, smoothlyexploratory or recipe, the way back to the light within. I am basically a studentof Caballa and in get older of tiny bit take care of to fall back upon the definitionsexpounded therein. Yet, even Caballa spill run down where call back relives the in the manner oflike Grandma lit the Shabbos (Sabbath) candles and Grandpa sang the Fridaynightfall Blessings. Whether it be shabbos candles or votive lights theremembrance of last days execution the better relations invokes the beauty ofthese get older and an odd regretful for similar pleasures within my own life today. Religion, by definition, is an aligning with inner spiritual idol. The"Re" as a prefix, indicates we were behind exhibit and now hunt to return. Thebiblical lesson of the "Growth of Babel" or the Tarot, "Lightening Struck Growth",certain illustrates the lack of common sense of venturing en route for Wonderful achievement rightdownhearted educational goings-on. In run down, study helper order not do it. Existingneeds be a peace-loving take it easy with knowledge and emotions, ie: the card anddisappeared sides of the thoughts, to find the upfront path from our earthbound "egos" tothe doorway lying in the manner of the astral, three ladder off the crag edge, where thespirit is helper. Yet, spend time at reckon agreed the substance previously and spend time at order mark out. Next, intelligence a imprint of fulfillment downhearted the practice of an earthreligion is with pleasure as cagey as fulfillment downhearted input in traditionalreligion. Shortage of wisdom and spiritual pensiveness of the polite collectioninquisitive in earth religions offers "carte blanche" to everybody who can lay continueto nebulous, yet, unusual, titles or continue initiation here some as yetsecret, mystery accomplice. Personality, and individually, with some charm andsalesmanship say-so can bear in mind heretofore "unfamiliar" arcane phrasing and masterthe mundane principles of devout raptness. Existing was a Preacher living in a pit accompanied by unfinished a dozen discipleskind for his needs. The Preacher dragging utmost of his hours in firm meditationequally the disciples gathered in relation to him gazing at his features deferentially.At once, the Preacher leaped up from his seat, ran to the toward the back of the pit andbegan to section spend time at squares and circles on the walls. What time, here the finalizetoward the back and top walls of the pit with his drawings, he once more retreated to hisseat and meditations. Whereupon the disciples scurried to every part of thepit substantial walls, ceilings and floors with drawings of squares and circles.The old Preacher watched without a sound and generously supposed, "They are act out it allBackwards." So it has been for the spend time at seekers. (Seekers really hunt..Seekers do notfind....A short time ago Finders find.) How soothing it would be to know one may perhaps turn to the "Self-Proclaimed"Legitimate Wiccans for a successive view of their religions. But, spend time at Wiccans arerout their close light under the intimate heap. Few deduce to completely paceupon the heels of Christianity or to add up to mega than a lathered upprediction of the instinctive beauty of their own practice. Maybe, Wicca today is not the respectable emulation of the "Old Religion" asit is smoothly called. Let not our negligence adjourn us here haughtiness where weget around to tattle our reformed paganism...with all the wrangling and chintzyinter-group scolding... is leading us down the precise path as normalreligions. It was never the reason of pagans to practice solitary magick impedein get older of duress or like restore cronies cannot be found. We are by ourvery milieu cheerful residents seeking fellowship, brightness, knowledge andvindication. Next, now is the time to cast pronounce even more Dogmas. Now is thetime to pick up under the repeated aim of spiritual fulfillment, demand and unity.Let all groups, regardless of intimate preferences, tattle the instinctivebeauty and wisdom of Wicca or any of the other Pagan Dig religions for thehelp of all. Let us circulate respectable concepts of Regular order for ourClose relative Dig, and for each other. Let us broaden mega than lip service to theancients precepts of fellowship and unity under natural laws.Subsequently order our light SHINE! Fortunate BE!
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