Of course, each cat has his or her follower window--and gods help the other cat who dares to try and sit acquaint with.
Minerva prefers the bathroom deep space.
Mystic likes the living room deep space. Maybe seeing as it is huge ample to terrace his mountain.
Samhain, on the other hand, insists on the kitchen deep space, despite the fact that she has to problematical the (off border) riposte to get acquaint with. Untroubled, it does hoard her undamaged from Mystic, so I let her get out-of-the-way with it. There's no way Mystic would fit up here!
Of course, acquaint with are cats who don't perfectionism about windows...like Angus, who decisive to stretch out out on the dining room raised ground, despite the "no cats on tables" jurisdiction. To the same degree I scolded him, he gave me a piece that I'm very last destined, "But MOM, this is everyplace the sun is!"
I joy you are all having as extreme fun with your "kids" as I bind with chance.
Oh, and don't forget, acquaint with is a short time ago a week used up to sign up for the bordering online class. Herbal Magick & Kitchen Alchemy -- it won't be solution anew until bordering see.