In order to understand this is is significant to understand that the human resources who say this are huskily communicating a support work of art of truth with a lot of funny turn addition to it. For standard, host Wiccans in the U.S. maintain they come from a pedigree who has specialist Wicca for centuries. I've met over and done with a dozen Wiccans who foothold told me this. They are all twisted as Wicca didn't come to the U.S. until the 1970s. They know their pedigree had a folk magic tradition but they wrongly alleged it to be Wicca. The actual truth is that the human resources who maintain to come from a long-line of witches are referring to supplies to the same extent hoodoo, granny magic, pow-wows, District American traditions, etc. These practices are zoom to the same extent Wicca.
So if you be obliged to ever meet such a body claiming to come from a long-line of witches the call see state maybe is a support work of art of truth in what they are saying, but state is a lot of funny turn and nonsense that is the same capability to be coupled to it. Likewise, confirm in anxiety that the family tree of these human resources who maintain to come from a pedigree of witches, would not maiden name what they did witchcraft. The remarkable group of folk magic practitioners do not expect that folk magic is witchcraft.