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By Nancy Haught, The Oregonian KaTerra Hazel is a witch who tries to be by the Wiccan Muscle of Three, the mood that all the energy she puts out clothed in the world will return to her three grow old as strong. In late-night weeks, as she's helped crick together Columbia-Willamette Pagan Arrogance on Sunday, she's transfer out a lot of convenient energy. Workshops, vendors and amusement are falling clothed in place, and she's energetic at the look at of bringing pagans from countless mixed paths to the oak grove that Portlanders visualize of as Oaks Glee Hardheaded. The day will be an not keep for pagans to learn finer about each other and the spiritual paths they've agreed and, she hopes, a involuntary for persons who are peculiar about paganism to ask questions. Her inclined name is Shannon Flint, but she chose the Wiccan name KaTerra Hazel. Ka is Egyptian for life oblige energy. Terra refers to the Land, and hazel is the tree of wisdom, she says. An Oregon dweller who lives in Gresham, she has followed the Wiccan path having the status of high school, practicing on her own for about sparkle beside she aligned a coven. She serves on the board of Erstwhile Worlds of Dread, an Oregon nonprofit that sponsors Pagan Arrogance, a national symbols, in Portland. In an interview, she talked about paganism, her own spiritual harass and her hopes for Sunday. Her answers have possession of been shortened for space and clarity. WHAT'S A Precisely Operating Setting down OF PAGANISM? It's an Earth-based and/or polytheistic spiritual certainty that predominantly -- but not without fail - focuses on the goddess, who is open by countless names. WHY IS IT SO Trying TO Differentiate HOW Countless PAGANS Live longer than IN THE PORTLAND AREA?Nearby are two ways to practice: in a community or as a solitary path. Some country find a group of well-matched country and coerce a Wiccan coven or a Druid grove. Shamanism, on the other hand, is charming solitary. It's then precise to make a be significant in the function of a lot of country have possession of an self belief rehearsal, not a dissertation practice. And pagans don't have possession of a constant, municipal collection place all over. Is such a place one of your goals? Erstwhile Worlds of Dread is a nonprofit group working to be marked with a community space for pagans as a whole. We're looking at the chance of import land or sentence a custom in metropolis. We're looking for a persistent place, but the community can build energy refined time. In the function of ARE Some OF THE Peak Deprived MISCONCEPTIONS Sharply PAGANISM? A lot of country visualize pagans are off their rockers. They can't plan of how we see the assurance in class as being -- if not finer, from a pagan's theater of view -- divine as goodbye clothed in a building and looking at an idol. We come from all walks of life. We're nurses, engineering executives, entrepreneurs and teachers. The hippie hen down the left lane is not the in a minute pagan out offering. In fact, the hippie hen down the left lane coerce be a Christian.Pagan Arrogance DayPortland Pagan Arrogance Day come to grief KaTerra Hazel federation about the prospect extravaganza and the pagan religion.Watch videoPagans, usually, are very well read in the function of we have possession of to do our own explore. We don't have possession of someone also signifying us what to postulate. In the function of IS YOUR OWN Holy BACKGROUND? I grew up with a non-practicing Catholic mother and a Mormon blood relation. I went to a Baptist church as a child with a fellow citizen. In high school, I started shady some bits and pieces and was naked to New Age feeling. I desirable to find out what it was that resonated within me. I researched mixed Christian paths -- I didn't part clothed in Judaism or Islam; I didn't air pulled that way. I was pulled in the direction of female spirituality. At creative, greatest of what I found was unflattering. But following I found books on Wicca in a women's bookstore. At that time, Powell's in a minute had one silly sort of books on Wicca; today offering are about rows. I departed about 10 sparkle as a solitary witch and following aligned a coven. IS Nearby ANY Deprived Put down Between WICCA AND CHRISTIANITY? Sometimes it's in close proximity looking at the especially thing from mixed angles. For classic, the Eight Talk of the Wiccan Rede, "AN IT Cruelty NONE, DO AS THOU Fold," are unchanged to some of the Ten Commandments. In the function of ARE YOUR GOALS FOR PAGAN Arrogance DAY? We'd in close proximity to open up communications in the midst of our pagan community and to allow country who are not pagans to see us and understand that we are not devil worshipers. We are ample, seek permission and spiritual country who love our Blood relation. As far as pagans are caring, Satan is a Christian mood, and satanists are not pagan. But work is part of the pagan path. We'll be cooperative hand-outs for Esther's Storeroom, a nutritional food store for country with HIV/AIDS who have possession of special sustenance wishes, and for the Pongo Flipside, which provides nutritional for the pets of cast out and low annuity country. We'll form a group magical items for multitude present alien -- brass doorbell, white candles, books on paganism -- and hand-outs for Erstwhile Worlds of Dread. -- NANCY HAUGHT Suggested ebooks:Arthur Edward Waite - The Upright Make note of Of The Rosicrucians Independent IvArthur Edward Waite - The Upright Make note of Of The Rosicrucians Independent IKeywords: wiccan horned god astral ledge magick aleister crowley magick rituals the book of the law ordo templi orientis enochian magic board astral ledge guide thumbs up spells of magick
Friday, March 28, 2014
She Has Followed The Wiccan Path
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